Top Gear Reliant Robin episode

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
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Watched this for the first time last night, nearly pissed myself. The video is long, but it gets good from the 2:38 mark and is funny as shit thereafter.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Ok, i give up, i'll never learn how to fucking post youtube vids.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know

Not the full video, but gets to the good stuff straightaway.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Leave us get back to the brilliance of...THE CLARKSON!!!


We had a teacher at school that drove an old model blue Reliant, and was picked on relentlessly by kids at the school. He sold it, and was without a car for about a week. Eventually he came in with this newer red model. The taunting resumed at twice it's initial output.

My brother-in-law had one when my sister first met him. I used to sit in the back, looking at the road surface through a gaping hole in the fibre-glass body. Similarly, a bloke at the end of the road I grew up on had one. He awoke one morning to find a bunch of local yobs had lifted it, flipped it, and left it on its roof.

Crashing them appears to be just about as much fun as you could ever extract from them.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Awww crap, it doesn't show the best part, at the end of the piece Clarkson flips it into a canal!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
We had a teacher at school that drove an old model blue Reliant, and was picked on relentlessly by kids at the school. He sold it, and was without a car for about a week. Eventually he came in with this newer red model. The taunting resumed at twice it's initial output.

My brother-in-law had one when my sister first met him. I used to sit in the back, looking at the road surface through a gaping hole in the fibre-glass body. Similarly, a bloke at the end of the road I grew up on had one. He awoke one morning to find a bunch of local yobs had lifted it, flipped it, and left it on its roof.

Crashing them appears to be just about as much fun as you could ever extract from them.

Seriously. Looks like SO much fun if you know what you're doing! I'm certain they're completely illegal in the US, since we live in the Nanny States of America.


People who owned a licence to drive only motorcycles could drive them because of the low cc of the engine.

And yes, they were as common as muck until finally dying a death at the back end of the 1980's.