Torchwood trailer


Is this real life?
Looks decent, although the editing of the trailer was a little muddled. They should have a scene where Ianto's sitting alone next to Craig Charles who's being swamped by fans.


I want to smell dark matter
Was Ianto joining in with the kids because he's got the mind of a child?

Jack waking up "UUUH!" was LOL.

If they actually just focus on an all action story like the trailer makes out it could be good. But still, it's Torchwood...


Is this real life?
The 'scary video tape' bit with Gwen gives me doubts about its quality.


I want to smell dark matter
True, since anything that starts with "this is how the world ended/how I died" turns out to be "okay, the world didn't really end/I didn't really die!"


Is this real life?
Plus her acting is pretty ropey.


I want to smell dark matter
And then there's her teeth...