Trip Through Chinatown

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Ah, I see Ms. Dunning-Kruger has entered the building.

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
hi there :) Thanks for the welcome.

@ Donovan: Yes, quite, apart from a little problem with 2 slipped discs. And work/RL keeps me busier than I'd wish for, but at least I find the time to travel a bit. Low budget, so it's mainly hiking, but that's not all that bad. Had a lovely trip to Wales last spring (Cardiff: bestest Fish&Chips ever!) and met a few TrekBBS-members in London in fall. This year it's perhaps Italy since GB will be rather crowded & expensive with the Olympics/Paralympics and all. Or maybe Ireland - I could bring my flutes and recorders for a few jam sessions in the local pubs =) Or the Scottish Highlands - they must be awesome in October. Or Paris - always wanted to go there but first I must learn French which will take about 1 year). And I haven't been to NL in ages!

LOL this globe is too big (and expensive) for just one life. I guess I must become immortal, Highlander-style :D

@ 'Gear: yes and yes, I think so :)


RIP 1970~2018
Well in that case good to see you. Welcome back. Staying a bit or just stopping by for a visit?

Watch out for the French. Learning the language helps but I hear the people are sketchy.


Pinata Whacker

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
The one you used on the Badlands. IIRC I sent the mail from my yahoo account.

@'Gear: Just stopping by. Sent Day a Christmas card, got no reply, wondered if he's still alife and came here to check. I'm not really fond of this board - the server is so slow and Jack is so boring.


Pinata Whacker
The one you used on the Badlands. IIRC I sent the mail from my yahoo account.

@'Gear: Just stopping by. Sent Day a Christmas card, got no reply, wondered if he's still alife and came here to check. I'm not really fond of this board - the server is so slow and Jack is so boring.

Hmmm....maybe it got in the spam folder. I usually just skim that folder and then delete all the emails in there at once. Try sending an email again.

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
PMed you instead. It's quicker.
I'm off now - not feeling that well tonight. Caught a mean stomach virus.