Troll Kingdom

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Troll Kingdom Finds out Spamming is the only way to beat Troll Wars

Deaths Head said:
Lord Raffles, you are way too fucking slow to be spamming over there. Speed it up. It takes you ten minutes to create a new post.

The vagina shit is pure bullshit. You can say anything you want.

That is why you fail.
TWers, all we've seen so far of your trolling is a bunch of lame flames involving homosexuality and people's mothers. You're all about as subtle as a wet fart, and you're just as intelligent.

Until you can show us that you can do better than that, you're not exactly in a position to criticize.
Deaths Head said:
That is pathetic, you have just admitted that spamming is the only way you can beat trollwars. Troll Wars has yet to spam you, I thought spamming was for noobs? One of you're members suggests spamming in this thread.

Not only do you ban people but you have proven that you can only spam in retaliation.

TK was, once, the king of the hill. We trolled the sites and shut many down in our day. The true trolls made so much enemies that they came here to try to troll us back but were 'assimilated' instead. Many of them are spammer trolls.

Real trolling is a rare and fine art, not anywhere to be found here on TK anymore, which is why we don't post here anymore, just every so often to touch upon the roots.

So stop trying to redefine the meaning 'of beating a dead horse' cause it's pretty pathetic.
I have come to learn that Mentalist is actually a very fine troll from an era before ours - despite his young years.

It was a painful lesson that I learnt over time.

I have accepted my assimilation, my memory sometimes twitches, normally when I see Hambil post - but generally I am part of the collective.

It's such a shame that Mentalist is a racist mother, otherwise we might get along - my Albanian mother and I might even learn to love him. (we're into that)
Deaths Head said:
That is pathetic, you have just admitted that spamming is the only way you can beat trollwars. Troll Wars has yet to spam you, I thought spamming was for noobs? One of you're members suggests spamming in this thread.

Not only do you ban people but you have proven that you can only spam in retaliation.

I could have told you that without wasting your time digging through threads. When are you fucktards going to learn? These asswipes are AMATEURS. They are but little retarded children. A simple word like 'ban' and hey have not a clue what it means. I attempted to explain it to them many a time but they just could not get it. It was like talking to a fucking wall.
Deaths Head said:
I suggest this topic be stickied so people know that troll kingdom bans and then as the only means of retaliation spams other boards. what a bunch of noobs.

I really dont believe you. Aorry jackass. If they banned people the skans would have been banned along time ago. Wait I'm still here.. nope they dont ban people.. now fuck off..

teh thanks
trollwarssnoopd said:
loopy pisses you so he has done a fine job.
He's pretty good then, seeing as how I haven't interacted with him, and don't even know who he is, you fucking idiot.