Troll Kingdom

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Troll Valhalla is fucking gay

The whole point was, the Admin with whom I was clashing at the moment and the owner were scared of the heat. The owner had run -ins with the EFF-BEE-EYE before over things that were said, and NO ONE GOT CALLED OUT on that. But for me, the rules were different, I guess and I cannot tolerate hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, an Admin sits there and repeatedly posts the same video 3 or 4 times in a freaking row on the Admin board, yet isn't called out for spam. If anyone else did that on a lower board over there, they would have been chewed out, if not temp-banned for that stunt.

Look, it would have only been a matter of time before SOMEONE pulled a stunt like that for reals. Perhaps not one of the regulars, but a disgruntled n00b or someone like that. When I suggested adding sedition as a mod to the existing TOS and banned postings, so that everyone is clear what is not allowed-- currently, the TOS only prohibits kiddie porn, bestiality, copyright infringement or spam-- I was shot down. Yet my poll was removed, and I was told that "sedition"/threats to the President were verboten. Again, what threat did I make?

Leave it to another ass to post an assassination threat or inciteful post that DOES meet the guidelines of illegal or unprotected speech ("fire in the theatre" speech), then argue that it doesn't violate the TOS. And technically, they would have a point. Pyrrhic at best, seeing as it would be a point made from Club Fed... but hey, it's just as illegal as the other Big 3 that are already mentioned in the TOS, spam not really being illegal but a huge PITA.

If it were a real threat, I can see the post being pulled, but they pulled/censored a thread that was only controversial-- the WHOLE thread and all the posts contained in that thread... not just the offending post. The camel's nose... what will be censored next in that self-proclaimed "bastion of free speech"??

So someone was offended. What does it say on the home page over there?

WELCOME to TrollValhalla!
You stand before the gates of Trollvalhalla where trolls gather to meet, greet, discuss the issues of the day, trade trolling tactics, and engage in all-out war!

Entering herein is not for the faint of heart, nor for the limp of wrist, and neither for the weak of mind. Such fools who dare enter are quickly shredded into wall trophies. Those who are easy to offend are the fastest casualties.

Trolls have thick skin to absorb attacks. Trolls have a high regeneration to overcome the wounds they take when they make mistakes in battle. Trolls have sharp claws to deal vicious attacks, and trolls have keen vision to cut through the common BS and see the truth. Many trolls crusade for the truth and scorn those who oppose it.

Do you have what it takes to be a troll?

If so, feel free to register, and let loose in an environment that holds Freedom of Speech and the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution in the highest regard. Please be aware, however, that while you can say practically anything you want, there are 3 things you can't do:

1. Do not post Illegal Porn. Bestiality or Child Porn will not be tolerated. Don't even think about it. Show me where it says that seditious or inciteful speech is not allowed. Of COURSE bestiality and kid porn are illegal, but if sedition is also not allowed here, it should be stated along with the other forms of truly illegal speech in the interest of consistency.

2. Do not Spam the board. As trolls we spam other boards to get banned - we fully expect it. Spam here and you get banned as well.

3. Do not infringe on someone else's Copyright. Again, illegal-- but where is the prohibition on sedition or incitement?? If that is illegal, it should be mentioned so that it's very clear to all.

Other than that, there are no rules. You will find offensive material posted herein! You will be offended! By clicking to enter you expressly agree to our terms and you understand that content herein is for entertainment purposes only and that you assume all responsibility for the content you view.

Oh, and one other thing:

If you're offended, you're on the wrong fucking site.

"If you are offended, you're on the wrong fucking site." Sounds like someone is on the wrong fucking site... :laugh:

There's something about the BoobTube that really pisses me off:pissed:

Just like this here TK, the AP board in particular, & just like WF, their RR in particular, the BoobTube, their R&P forum in particular, is chock'o'block of, infested, with wall-to-wall Barackilljoys & Obamaphobes:frusty:


Fuckin A:pissed:
Hi quantum, nice to have you here.

Thank you. :)

I've actually been regged for about 2 years, but not around much. You'll be seeing more of me, I'm sure. :D

There's something about the BoobTube that really pisses me off

Just like this here TK, the AP board in particular, & just like WF, their RR in particular, the BoobTube, their R&P forum in particular, is chock'o'block of, infested, with wall-to-wall Barackilljoys & Obamaphobes

Fuckin A

Perhaps there's a reason why there are so many of us. ;)

But I was no fan of Bush, either-- particularly after the 2000 election. Recall that Gore won the popular vote by half a million votes, but Bush got in only because he won the Electoral College.

Even that was no landslide, either. Bush needed at least 270 EC votes to win. He got 271 to Gore's 266. Had a mere 3 electors gone the other way, Gore would have won the majority of the EC as well. (In addition, an Elector from D.C. cast a blank ballot in protest of a lack of Congressional representation there. She was pledged to Gore, so in essence Gore had 267 EC votes, technically speaking. But that blank ballot was not counted in the final totals.)

I worked for an animal hospital where Bush was about to become a client after he left the White House. Good thing that I was laid off-- it would not have been very pretty! :laugh:
I suddenly quite like quantum cat..... I went to troll vahalla under a known alias....shit hole....and if the SS spend their time looking at shit holes like that then O man is fucked...
LOL... it was over a poll that I started that spoofed the infamous Facebook poll which was ultimately pulled and got the author the attention of the Secret Service goon squad.

Anyway, the poll was rather controversial but I will say up front that it was absolutely NOT ILLEGAL and did NOT ask anything about whether the POTUS should be killed... only his CHANCES at a SECOND TERM. The topic line was worded in a way that was uh... questionable.

Stupid? Maybe. Illegal? No.

The fucks on TV "warned" me not to post the poll, but being a strong supporter of free speech, and being rather familiar with what constitutes sedition according to US case law (though I'm no lawyer) and also very creative with words, I posted it. Mostly out of spite... but it was also meant to entertain the (m)asses.

Long story short. The goon squad peeked at it, read the poll, moved on and apparently decided it was no threat, so as far was I know, nothing has/will come of it-- especially since the author of the ORIGINAL FB poll asking if Obama should be killed was not charged.

Well, another Admin saw that the SS was looking at that poll and he went loopy. It went downhill from there. There was a huge debacle up in the Admin section, I eventually tried to apologize and smooth things over-- but in view of some other dwama I had created back in May (totally trolling the shit out of everyone), the pussies were wanting my Admin head on a platter.

Another Admin had deleted the poll thread and all the associated posts with it. I reiterate that there was nothing illegal in that thread or poll. It was censorship. Period. Had the SS really wanted to do something, they would have by now.

The site owner was on eggshells because of prior contacts with various LE agencies over site content, and the rest of the Admins were all up about that.

So what was the question in the poll?

Bear in mind that I'm an independent, not Repub or Democrat-- and I'm only slightly right of center. I'm not right WINGNUT, nor am I a crazy Lib. I base my opinions on the issue at hand, not on groupthink. Some issues, I hold a conservative view; on others, I'm more liberal. On still others, I hold the middle ground. But my opinions are very strong, and I'm very outspoken on certain issues.

I'm not at all fond of Obama, nor was I a Bushbot despite living right in the middle of Bush country-- I live less than 15 minutes from his new place now and I can't stand the guy.

Was the poll controversial? Absolutely, it was. Was the SS justified in checking it out? Sure. The thing is, had another Admin not happened to be looking at on "Who's Online" and running the IP's of guests-- which is fine-- no one would have been the wiser. Then someone ran a backtrace and learned that the guest really was the goon squad. Oh dear.

The government runs their bots on all forums, from gardening forums to troll boards. I am certain that TV had visitors like that before and we just didn't notice them peeking around each and every time. The concern was that there had never been a post on the board with those words, which is what prompted a peek from the Feds.

To the very moment that I deleted my account, the Admins were treating it as though I had genuinely made the threat and was trying to overthrow the government-- it was like no one fully comprehended the poll for what it really was, except for some Brazillion (yes, brazillion-- we tease him like that) whose primary language is Portuguese. He actually got the concept.

There was a reason why I said, "Read this carefully".

In the end, two Admins boogied: myself and one other. I deleted my account, as well. So in the last month or 6 weeks, the board lost 3 Admins who were long-time members. Most of it boils down to the attitude of one divisive Admin, who has thus far driven several members away.

That was the Admin I was trying to spite (and did).

You are so full of shit. No one freaked out over the poll, especially since it is still there. I didn't even blink when I visited the thread, nor did anyone else, with perhaps ONE exception. Do make a mountain out of a molehill, you moron. I WAS laughing though when that one exception bitched that TV now had the Secret Service watching the site, something I doubt very much. The fucker even posted proof via an internet address, which I call bullshit. The Secret Service is NOT going to bother with a nothing site like TV, especially when it is a board of nigger lovers. I have NEVER been to a site that so loved their NIGGERS as much as do the members of TV. Fuckers love to post gay pictures of NIGGERS.

Rest assured, there was no bloody Secret Service watching TV. Never happpened, and never will. It was bullshit used in an attempt to create drama, bullshit that no one bought. I simply posted within your idiotic thread in the vein that the Secret Service cannot do shit to me, since I am CANADIAN. Now do shut the fuck up about your thread having allegedly created a stir there, It did no such thing.