True Blood 206: Hard-Hearted Hannah

It was a tricksy ending!
I don't know what to think of that comment.

and now we have to wait another bloody year before we get any more clues.
If we do.

and I'm upset with the way the fairies have left the story line. That's it?!!???
Sookie finally has found blood relatives and they're in another dimension now!?

The thing with Arlene's behaviour was sickening. I am sort of hoping the TV show doesnt go with that storyline. Her and Sookie's relationship is portrayed as alot closer in it than perhaps the book, and that kind of treachery would be painful to see happen. I cant imagine why Harris had to put that in. There really werent many happy moments in this latest book, gotta say. One wonders how far down this road Harris is going.
ALSO, not even enough sex, IMHO!

Yeah, even I was shocked at the lengths she would go to. I have to say, though, I felt the writing in this one was a bit choppy, and other than Sookie, Bill & Eric, everyone was pretty cardboard. Especially Sam when he finds out his mom's been shot. Just seemed wooden.
SORRY, but we dont want to spoil it for you!

are you going to read the book soon? I got it from my library, so didnt have to pay hardcover price for it.
I'll have to order the books, or something. I'll read them someday!

(I read all the spoilers, I can't remember anything anyway)
I've only read Living Dead in Dallas. I don't know if the library has them or not, haven't checked. I live in a tiny little town!