True Blood 4x12 "And When I Die"

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
"Zombies are the new vampires, haven't you heard?"


moral imperfection
"What a bitch"

Is it just me, or is there something real hot about this Team Bill/Eric thing?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop

That's all I'm gonna say for right now.

But yes, Ily...they need to be chained up naked more often.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
So they killed off half the cast. Interesting.

But I guess it was to be expected, given that the show was in magical overdrive all season. Remember when it was just about vamps and humans? Maybe it will be again next year (okay, and wolves and fairies too, but enough with the witches for a while).

But Tara getting a baseball-sized hole in her head was a surprise. Lots of people are cheering that she's (probably) dead, but I'm not. The writers are to blame for packing too much bad shit into her character's story. It's funny that Alan Ball is the Exec Prod of this show, because I remember being exhausted by Six Feet Under in the later seasons because everyone in the cast was just being brutalized over and over by the writers. It was so downbeat that I almost stopped watching because I felt so bad after each episode.

I was starting to get that feeling with this season of TB too, so I hope this clean slate will provide a slight break in the orgy of death and inter-species war on the show. But Alan Ball usually waits till a show's final season to let good things happen to the main characters, so we'll see.



Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Ok, I thought this episode kicked ass. Was not expecting so many people to die, nor the ones they chose (except Jesus) even though I was surprised he died within the first 15 minutes.

I know some people have had issues with this season, but I really enjoyed it. It didn't have that soap opera feel that the past two seasons have, and someone else in another thread said they liked how they kept everyone all together this season rather than being spread out, and I agree. They all had their own shit, but they were all involved in the Big Bad.

Scott Foley as Terry's marine friend. Did he look a little disappointed when Terry told him he was married? Hmmmm....

Did Alcide know Russell was under there? Did Eric clue him in?

Awwww...Hi Gran. That was sweet. But Reverend Newlin? WTH? LoL.

They just need to go ahead and make the orgy scene with Eric/Sookie/Bill. DO IT


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I won't be happy if Tara dies, cuz I never hated her OR ANYTHING. Sometimes I didn't like all the shit they piled on her, but without her would we have had Franklin? SRSLY. She'll probably get saved by Bill and/or Eric.

There's no way Sam is gonna die, IMO. Who was the werewolf attacking him? Alcide is going to be pissed at Sookie for blowing whatsherface's head off.



Touching the monolith
Staff member
FLOOD :rwmad:


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I don't think Alcide will be pissed at Sookie. Debbi attacked her, shot her friend, and Sook, fed up, SHOT THAT BITCHES HEAD CLEAN OFF!!!

The wolves were probably getting payback for Marcus's death. Guess they don't know it was Alcide.

And I don't think Rev Newlin showing up at Jason's is a big HOLY SHIT JASON'S GONNA DIE cliffhanger, since Jason probably won't invite him in. And maybe Jessica will sense he's in danger.

Arlene looked good as a zombie. Almost natural. And her daughter as one of the pregnant teens from "Teen Mom" gods.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but as I was passing through the living room where my wife was glued to the screen, I caught the greatest rant Pam ever had:

I am so over Sookie and her precious fairy vagina and her unbelievably STUPID NAME! FUCK SOOKIE!!!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
^But see, that's different from the books when it comes to their relationship. Pam becomes Sookie's best friend and close confidante in the third book I think it is.

And Ginger...dumber than a box of hair but so sweet with Pam.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
"Hey this is pretty okay so far but I wish there was more Jessic-




(no nipples were shown. I am fine with this)

And then Tara died! What an upbeat ending! :)


I want to smell dark matter
The episode was kind of all over the place. The Bill and Eric tied to a stake thing seemed really half-assed. Marnie gets Jseus's demon power but it doesn't really make her any more powerful or do anything interesting.

Stuff from earlier in the season still hasn't paid off. Like Jason being raped for four episodes. What was the point when he hasn't turned into a werepanther and we haven't seen the hillbillies again? And all the fairy land stuff from the first episode? Sookie saw a vision of fairies a few episodes later but then...nothing. Tara being a lesbian MMA fighter?

And there's the million cliffhangers again. Will they all pay off? Remember last season finale had Hoyt's mother buying a gun (implying she was going to murder Jessica) and Jason talking to some football guy for five minutes. What was the point? WHO KNOWS.

I guess Rene's back because of the ghosts being summoned and he didn't return because he's EVIL. Why is he still using his fake accent?

Tara won't be dead. Bill and Eric will show up immediately and heal her. Or she'll be a ghost who everone can see and is just as annoying as ever.

So anyway I thought it was pretty flat but there were some funny lines (the Pam one) and moments (Jason describing the sex to Hoyt.)


Be patient till the last.
well this is what I get for not reading spoilers.
Bah! They killed off Jesus and his lame-ass demon passed down thru generations couldn't help him?
and yeah, Tara will be saved, both Bill and Eric will feel her distress.
Didnt get many lines for Gran, alas. But nice to see her.
Pam's scene funny/sad but I dont like how the writers are deviating so far from her relationship with Sookie.
Debbie van Pelt was doomed to get killed by Sook so no surprise there.
Jessica= WOW.
WTF is the rev whatsis doing as a vamp? Jason wont be daft enough to let him him, so not very scary, just dumb.
Hoyt's mom actually the most human I've seen her..usually she's such a monster. ;)

Oh, great more storyline with Annoying Arlene. shit.

and does this mean we will now NOT get to see ANY Bill/Eric action?!! BOO! :rwmad:

well we never saw, heard, or anything about what happened to Marcus' body and so what are we to make of a wolf growling at Sam? Sheesh. dangling plot, much?

I just felt this was sloppy writing, with inconsistent plotlines all over the place. Killing the bitchy vamp politician woman means we dont get to know who the factions are, and what the Big Vamp Plan satisfying as he would find it, would Bill be that politically unsavvy? A little consistancy in the characters would be nice.... along with this: Lafayette was a fucking WIMP this season, when he was so kick ass the first one? WHY?

RUSSELL'S back! ok, that was a bright spot in the whole mess.

MEH, overall, though, I was left with a general feeling of dissatisfaction..

I wonder what Charlaine Harris thinks of it all.


I want to smell dark matter
Russell will probably fall in love with Sookie next season.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Is this real life?
I thought it was really good. The only real problem I had was that it kept feeling like the episode was finally over, and then there'd be another dramatic death, or another "oh, btw, René's visiting Arleene" or something scene. I guess you could say that was a pacing issue, but mostly I suppose there are just way too many twists and turns in the plot. The status quo never lasts very long and we're so used to that by now, that we're constantly expecting another twist, so nothing's ever THAT surprising. I probably would've liked it more if that last 10-15 minutes was just everyone having normal conversations about how they were feeling or something. I mean, Gran came back after so much sign posting that it might happen and so much hoping from the fans, but Sookie was too busy dumping her boyfriends and being violently attacked for us to get any real payoff or resolution to it. I mean, we could tell how she was feeling from her crying, but it still would've been nice to have a "gee, it was real nice seeing Gran again" line.

ANYWAY. Yay! Tara got her brains blown out! There's no coming back from that... right? Also that bit of the kitchen floor must be cursed. I wonder who the writers will constantly fuck with now... I guess judging by the depressing ending to this episode, it's Sookie.

Jessica in a cape... and Jessica OUT of a cape! Wow.

Poor old Pam... maybe if she told him how she felt? Maybe?

I'm not as excited by Russell coming back as you guys. As far as I remember his storyline was all over the place last time. And he was a bit too over the top for my liking. I prefer the devious vamps like Eric and Pam who are unpredictable, over vamps like Russell that are only cackling with evil laughter.

Could the wolf that Sam encountered be the packmaster's spirit?

curiousa, I agree, they should've at least let Nan explain the plot before killing her off, if that's what they were determined to do. It seemed at first that she was freaking out over Russell returning, but then it turned out to be some unrelated political drama? It wasn't clear.

Sad that Jesus is dead but at least he can return easily and Lafayette's acting was fantastic as always. I should really learn that actor's name. He had Marney's gestures and inflections spot on.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah, she'll probably hang around Lafayette, playing spiritual bouncer to all the bad ghosts that want to get inside him.