True Blood: "I Will Rise Up"

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Also other good things happened. Discuss.

BTW, I have come to find Bill to be the most dreary, least interesting character on the whole show. He seems positively expendable, like Sookie has already outgrown him.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Godric's death scene and dialogue with Sookie and Eric were excellent. Looks like Sam's going to team up with Andy to deal with Maryanne; let's hope that storyline finally gets finished.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop

That's all I can say about naked Eric right now. Needless to say, it was a good night for me.

Lafayette's showdown with Maryann was good. I have a feeling he's immune to her powers since he drank some of Eric's blood.

Speaking of Eric...HELLOOOOO HOTNESS. That was a helluva scene. Those two have great chemisty together as well.
I loved how he was just lounging back while Sookie sucked out the silver.

Hoyt was pretty damned sexy as well, standing up to his mama and all. Yummy.

And Bill is sort of supposed to be that way at this point, because he's pulling away from Sookie.

The final scene with Godric/Eric/Sookie was one of the best scenes from this show. Very raw and beautiful.


Is this real life?

Also other good things happened. Discuss.

BTW, I have come to find Bill to be the most dreary, least interesting character on the whole show. He seems positively expendable, like Sookie has already outgrown him.

Haven't seen this week's yet, but I agree, Bill's boring, overly controlling and whiny. I don't know what Sookie's supposed to see in him. And the only interesting thing about him (the bad vamp turned good internal conflict) is done better with Godric.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Eric gets more delicious ALL THE TIME. I think they are doing that on purpose so we won't get pissed when Sookie leaves Bill for Eric.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I just wanna slurp him up!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Fuck it, I'll pay the extra $5 a month to get HBO, so I don't have to wait and d/l it. I watch Entourage anyway.

LG, order it, baby!


Is this real life?
OMG that was a good episode! This season's really heating up now! Aww, that last scene was so written and well acted. Godric went out leaving us wanting more. There's something in my eye... :'(


I want to smell dark matter
That was a good episode, yes. The last scene was one of the best they've ever done. Will the Texas vampires continue Godric's good work? Isabelle seems alright, the rootin' tootin' cowoby one was a jerk though (did he die?)

TV vampire was a bitch in real life.

Sookie looked fucking HOT this week in the dream scene and afterwards. I want her sex.

Hyot's mum went black-eyed! Maye she'll try to shag him.

Sam sure tooks his time figuring out an escape. I hope him and Andy team up with Layfayette now, who was kicking some ass.

I went to the IMDB board and OF COURSE all the fangirls love Eric even though he was a slimey jerk here (well, apart from the ending.) It's Spike all over again!


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


I want to smell dark matter


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Is this real life?
It's true, everyone on IMDb loves Eric, but there was one sane person who pointed out that if he was fat and ugly we'd all hate him. Remember when he tore that guy apart in front of Lafayette? He's still an evil vampire, even if he is nice to look at!!

Yeah, the cowboy vampire (I think his name was Stan) did die. I didn't really notice till I read comments on the boards. I didn't like him much, but he might've been a good spanner in the works to keep around.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
^True, but then you'd have to same the same for Bill, who was evil, and still has evil tendencies, such as killing Sookie's uncle.


Be patient till the last.
I dont think Bill was evil. He loves Sookie and in his eyes the uncle molested her and had gotten away with it. He cant think straight when it comes to Sookie. Eric has commented on this and so has Pam.
OTOH hand, he showed compassion to Jessica's family and glamoured them rather than eating them.
I dont think any of the other vamps have lived long enough to [re]learn compassion, except maybe Godric.

.... still wondering why Eric helped heal Lafayette. It smacks of something other than compassion, IMHO.
( but what's in it for Eric?)


Is this real life?
Bill's not as bad as Eric, but I think the same applies to him somewhat. He can really go off the deep end sometimes and I'm not sure the fangirls would be so tolerant of that if he was played by someone else. And he certainly used to be very evil, as we saw in the flashbacks.

Maybe Eric saved Lafayette because it would help get him in Sookie's good books? She hasn't found out so far, but she's bound to eventually.


Be patient till the last.
IMHO Bill's maker held him in thrall as far as the stuff he used to do - dont they explain somewhere that until/ if your maker releases you, you have to do as they tell you? Didnt Bill tell Lenora (or whatever her name is) in the flashback to the 30s that he detested what they had done? Even then he sent the flapper away cuz he didnt want to hurt her.
I also Bill was saying [to someone in another ep maybe] as they didnt have Trueblood in his day he HAD to kill to survive.