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True Blood: "I Will Rise Up"

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that he had to drink human blood before True Blood came along.

I'm a bit fuzzy on the idea of being released. It seemed like a symbolic or cultural thing to me, since Bill was able to defy Lenora and demand to be released. Would he be able to do that if he was physically and mentally compelled to do as she wanted? I dunno. I would've imagined it was something like glamouring. But maybe it works the same way as when a vamp wants to come into your house uninvited. They can have their own free will, but not the physical ability to carry it out.
Eric told Lafayette that the reason he was helping him was because he meant something to Sookie. And what Sookie finds meaningful, he finds curious. So, I think that's what it was. Saving her some heartache.

And, you're welcome. ;)

How come Sookie doesn't get high off vampire blood? I understand that when she was nearly dead it only had a healing effect on her, but when she sucked the bullets out of Eric she got a LOT of blood in her mouth, and she wasn't injured herself... so if she had a cock it should have been ERECT.
Does it ever have that effect on her? Might be another thing that Spock/Data/Odo/Tuvok/Seven/Sookie are immune to!

Also, some weirdo has photoshopped out Eric's hair under one of his arms.
Angel was a pussy. I was never into tormented vampires who loathed their dreary lives. YOU'RE FUCKING IMMORTAL GET OVER IT
Well if you were evil for hundreds of years and killed more people than the plague, THEN got your soul back, you'd probably feel a bit guilty too.
Fuddlemiff said:
I'm a bit fuzzy on the idea of being released. It seemed like a symbolic or cultural thing to me, since Bill was able to defy Lenora and demand to be released.

ah, does Bill DEMAND to be released? That must be in one of the eps I will see tomorrow.
Fuddlemiff said:
Also, some weirdo has photoshopped out Eric's hair under one of his arms.

isnt that stupid?

also his chest hair is missing - there wasnt that much any way - why mess with it!?!?! :rwmad:
I prefer him a little scruffy.

As for the souls part, I don't see it like that. Bill, Isabella, and obviously those other vampires in Godric's nest aren't just oozing with evil, not like the first trio of vamps who burned in the first season. I think some just choose to lose their humanity, but somewhere, it's still there.

Just my humble opinion.
This afternoon I get another double-header installment!
Work is going to go so slowly this morning..... :(
Swedes are hot, it's our thing, what can we say? That's right LG is Swedish! A full half a Swede...Explains my sexiness now doesn't it.

The whole Tara/Eggs thing is getting annoying, I'm so over it. I'm glad Jason's character developed but I prefer that he doesn't suddenly turn into a guy with a clue, he needs to stay simple, that's the best thing about him.

Eric is...luscious and Bill is...boring but he kind of bored me from the start. He's not at all sexy enough to keep Sookie but then maybe that's why they chose that actor. It's not a fair fight, a fair fight would be more interesting.