But to Trump, it was… funny as hell.
According to two people familiar with the matter, hours after the president stepped away from the cameras, Trump continued following the fallout in the press, including on cable news, and began privately remarking how amusing it was that his answer was making media and liberal heads explode, and also predictably dominating TV coverage.
“He seemed to get a real kick out of it,” one of the sources said, adding that the president seemed to relish making the press, in Trump’s words, “go crazy” over his non-commitment to democratic norms and procedure. “[The president] wasn’t going to be playing by their rules on this just to make them feel comfortable.”
Because you aren’t multi cultural??I don't know how much Trump is hated, as mistrusted.
I stopped listening to him ages ago, and if you come to Vermont (we seem to be unique) you'll find enclaves of well-armed activist centrist "liberals" that think alike and have the original "Green Mountain Boys" Spirit strill ingrained, You city fucks can blow each other to bits if that's what you really want, just leave us out of it. We know the mountains and forests really well and you'll never see us until it's too late.
There's a reason gun crime is so low in this state.
I don't know how much Trump is hated, as mistrusted.
I stopped listening to him ages ago, and if you come to Vermont (we seem to be unique) you'll find enclaves of well-armed activist centrist "liberals" that think alike and have the original "Green Mountain Boys" Spirit strill ingrained, You city fucks can blow each other to bits if that's what you really want, just leave us out of it. We know the mountains and forests really well and you'll never see us until it's too late.
There's a reason gun crime is so low in this state.
LOL Yeah. I can just see your bandy-legged little jew ass stumbling through the woods with a shotgun... glasses fogged up... fucking ferns sticking out of your ballcap for cammo... that's a cheap cable movie right there. :bigass:
Because you aren’t multi cultural??