

Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
Gunning for attention, eh?

Trying to play the victim card, blaming your actions on 'inept' admins, booze, and others around you?

Guess what, buddy. There's only one person you can blame. No, it isn't missmanners, sorry. It's you.

Get your head out of your ass, Paul. Your meltdown is about as amusing as watching paint dry, and you've tainted your troll credibility while you were at it. Your current attempts at trolling are pretty laughable, as they've sunk to the level of some of the wanabees around here lately.

Get back to us when you've put the booze down and grown a set, as they say.


beer, I want beer


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Shut up, Luci.


Shifty sumbitch
You gotta admit, though, that it's surprising that Luci's yawn wasn't yellow or Comic Sans.