USBB11 now totally screwed for life...or maybe not

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Basically, the producers are being cagey about how the last week of the show is going to go down. Here's what usually would happen (and what appears in TV listings all over):
Tues 9/8 - 1 HG evicted from Final 4; First part of 3-part HoH begins live -- endurance competition, goes on all night until somebody wins (Kevin won)

Thurs 9/10 - Part 2 highlights (taped) shown; Part 3 of HoH comp performed live; winner evicts the 3rd person live, leaving a final 2.

Sun 9/13 - Clip show recapping best bits from the season; final 2 houseguests take questions from the 7 jury members via video; 7 jury members deliberate.

Tues 9/15 - Winner of BB11 revealed in a live vote by the 7 jury members; side prize for "America's Favorite" houseguest revealed also.
Now, CBS is leaking press releases saying that the final 2 won't be determined until the finale, and that the finale will take place Thurs. 9/17, not Tuesday 9/15. They don't explain what is going to be shown on TV in the meantime (there's nothing to show in this case other than the final 3 players picking their noses).

Obviously, they realize that Natalie may win the whole thing, and that America would be FURIOUS if she did because she's a humorless pig. So they're probably sending out false information just to confuse people and make them tune in anyway, hoping that maybe some new magical power will be introduced that enables Jordan or Kevin to send Natalie to Siberia via penguin sled. But it will all be bullshit, and Natalie will win anyway, and CBS' website will crash from all the complaints.

This sucks.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe Marcus is being flown over to sort everything out.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Finale night tonight! There are still 3 housemates left. Jordan and Kevin are both promising nasty Natalie that they are taking her to Final 2, and both are most likely lying. Hopefully they will both have spines and follow through, and the ugly humorless pigbitch Natalie will be left out in the cold in the first hour of the 2-hour finale.

After tonight, this forum will no longer be OMG ACTIVE! :shock:


I want to smell dark matter

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
What about Big Brother Africa 4: THE REVOLUTION?



I want to smell dark matter

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I get that show on The Africa Channel on my digital cable system (no lie). I watched a few episodes of a season a while back, but I didn't stay with it.

It seemed strange, like everyone in the house was just happy to be safe and under shelter and not starving, so competing for the prize was like an afterthought.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Surprisingly good outcome, all things considered. Jordan won, although Kevin had to get booted before the Final 2 for it to happen, which sucks. I would have preferred for him to be F2 and Natalie to get no money at all. But at least she is fuming today over not winning AND finding out that she is hated by the fans.

Suck it, pigbitch. The blonde waitress with the big rack hosed you good.


I want to smell dark matter
The people on DigitalSpy wanted Michelle to win.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
A lot of people wanted Michele to win. Not everyone was enchanted with the Jeff/Jordan romance overtaking the season. Michele was the only other non-evil choice left of the final 4.