V and Chuck renewed, Flashforward (and probably Heroes) cancelled


Staff member
Heroes is getting canned then. It doesn't seem so long ago when they were doing live red carpet fan convention celebration mastabatory gala events proclaiming Heroes (themselves) as one of the classic series of all time and now...

Well, well.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I really don't get some of their business decisions. They cancel one L&O (which granted had slipped in the ratings a lot) to replace it with another L&O series?
A show that's been around for 20 seasons has to deal with years of escalating salaries and production costs, as well as diminishing ad revenues and license fees as the ratings drop over the years.

From a(n evil) corporate view, it's a sound business decision to take the more expensive franchise show off the table, and then start a new show that films in Los Angeles (which is cheapest for the studio, other than going to Vancouver), and set a production budget and salaries that are more controllable for the first few seasons.

In the case of The Simpsons, this scenario doesn't apply, since the show continues to make obscene amounts of money for both studio and network 20 years later. When those 6 core actors want a raise, you give it to them, dammit.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe Zachary Quinto will be in something good now.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Wacky, this season of Chuck is better than ever. Kruek and Routh were excellent in their arcs, and I am so glad it got renewed. Especially since 24 and Lost are ending.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I can't believe 24 lasted as long as it has.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Awww c'mon, it was good! (Mostly). LOL, although, if you go back and look at all of the disasters that befell the United States during the entire run, there are whole sections that would be smoking craters.

Also, they never have come out and said what year they're currently in. Season 2 was supposed to occur 2 years after season one, and so on. Still, it's a good show!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think I watched one season. It wasn't too bad, but I could never stop wondering when Jack stopped to have a poo.


I want to smell dark matter
24's always looked like torture porn shit to me.