

Forever Empress E
Right off the beach. Lovely day.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Sweet. Is that San Antonio?


Forever Empress E
Good morning. This is Galveston, about an hour from Houston.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Galveston is a cool city. I had the pleasure for about two weeks when the band did a Texas tour.



Forever Empress E
This is the Pleasure Pier - restaurant(s), roller coasters, ferris wheels, and other rides. It is all lit up at night and a pretty nice light show. Hope to get time to explore it this evening. Today is pretty full with a boat tour to see the dolphins and then tours of Moody Mansion, Ashton Villa and the Bishops Palace. Then, visiting some sea caves :).



Forever Empress E
Galveston is a cool city. I had the pleasure for about two weeks when the band did a Texas tour.


This island is a lot bigger than I thought it was. Went exploring the west end out past Pirates Cove and Jamaica Beach yesterday. Beautiful homes and resorts but mostly empty. Kid dragged me around the marsh lands to take pictures of the sun setting over the water and all the birds. Was pretty and peaceful, even when the alligators showed up!

Galveston is awesome for the semi-outdoor types like me. Everyone is walking or riding their bikes, lots of people out and about with their dogs. As mellow as Galveston is during the day, it wakes up at night. Lots of little bars and restaurants with music off the seawall, in the downtown area, and over by the cruise ship dock. Want to see a cruise ship take off today and dream about being on that boat with them. Have friends that always talk about going on a cruise but we just haven't found the time to go yet. Soon. When I can take at least 7 days in a row off from work.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Sounds delightful. Glad you're enjoying your break.


Forever Empress E
Got a few good pictures and video clips of the dolphins and shrimp boats. Had to come back to the hotel and download our photos and videos off our cameras to our computers. Kiddo is working on getting my movie files sorted out.

Missed out on the tours of the historic houses though. Will have to come back and do that another time. Ran into friends of friends so we had to visit a bit, and then there was a very cool store with water features and new music I just had to have, and then there was the restaurant with the fabulous patio, and then there was exploring the dock and more pictures of birds. The pelicans are huge!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
thanks - you should see what we just had for breakfast

Oooh, tell me.

In detail :D


Forever Empress E
Oooh, tell me.

In detail :D

Kiddo had a scone covered with sautéed shrimp, mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, fresh asparagus and poached eggs topped with hollandaise sauce. I had plain scrambled eggs and bacon. I never eat bacon so this was something wild I was doing while on vacation! Of course, grits with cheese was on the side for both of us. Nummy food and a good start for what has been a very busy day.

Just got in from taking the ferry to Bolivar Peninsula and back. Explored the beach and the battery while there, loaded up on sand and shells, then came back. More dolphin sitings and lots of birds. Have to clean off my camera's sd card again. Think I need to buy another sd card as this 2 meg card isn't enough for video too.

We're going out to share a special lemon cake dessert at a friend's favorite cafe up the road then we're going over to the Pleasure Pier. Going to be a late dinner.


Forever Empress E
We're moving slow today. Up too late and walked too many miles yesterday. Got to check out of the hotel now though. Lots of pictures and video to go through still. Think I've freaked photobucket out. Kiddo can play the videos I took on her PC but I can't play them on my laptop. Have to figure that out so I can post the jumping dolphins clips and another one that will be a present for someone :). Think we're going to go to Seawolf Park and explore the battleship and submarine after we have something to eat then head back home. Rest of my vacation is going to be spent hanging around the house and working on the yard.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Do they still cream their Levi's over this song, or are they sick of it by now?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yum, that sounded delicious. Glad you're having some fun time off.


Forever Empress E
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">


Forever Empress E
can you see this video?



Forever Empress E


Forever Empress E
It is an art all by itself learning to take pictures of dolphin fins.
