Vaginal Discharge: Changes That May Be Signs of a Problem Tips on preventing vaginiti

Tips on preventing vaginitis

  • After using the toilet, always wipe from front to back. This may help prevent getting bacteria from your rectal area into your vagina.
  • Wear cotton underpants during the day. Cotton allows your genital area to "breathe." Don't wear underpants at night.
  • Avoid wearing tight pants, pantyhose, swimming suits, biking shorts or leotards for long periods.
  • Change your laundry detergent or fabric softener if you think it may be irritating your genital area.
  • The latex in condoms and diaphragms and the sperm-killing gels that are used for birth control can be irritating for some women. If you think one of these things is a problem for you, talk to your doctor about other types of birth control.
  • Avoid hot tubs.
  • Bathe or shower daily and pat your genital area dry.
  • Don't douche.
  • Avoid feminine hygiene sprays, colored or perfumed toilet paper, deodorant pads or tampons, and bubble bath.
i posted this thread in the BIG BROTHER forum cause the women of BB are slutty tv TARTS & they need to be informed of VAGINitis. By moving this thread you are promoting ignorance of the VAGina.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Bitch. :p