Very random old trekBBS thought


Boobie inspector
Remember that guy who wanted all the fans to club together to buy a plot of land and build a full sized replica of the enterprise to use as a hotel?

I never could work out if he was hopelessly deluded or just trolling.


I want to smell dark matter
I never understood why they all made fun of that guy on TrekBBS. It was a great idea. You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger.

(He probably killed himself.)


Is this real life?
That is weird. I read that article last night, so when I read your first post I assumed that was what inspired it.

Anyway, somewhere in the comments on there there is a guy talking about using one of those crowdsourcing fundraising websites to get the money for it. But the thing about projects like that is that even if you managed to raise the money, it'd no doubt go over budget and over time unless you had some real experts behind it.

Would be awesome, though. But which Enterprise? The 1701 has those nice '60s interiors, but the curvyness of the hull could be difficult to construct, while the Ent-A is a bit more rectangular in places, but the interior's kind of boring and less well known to non-Trek fans. And then all the other Enterprises are too big.


Boobie inspector
They could just make it the crashed saucer section from generations, then you wouldnt have to worry about supporting the weight, or building all the interior rooms.

Anything you couldn't afford to build was just "damaged in the crash"


Is this real life?
"Why is the Mona Lisa lying here unattended on the bridge?"

"Oh, that's just another priceless artifact Picard tossed aside while looking for his diary."


Registered User
That is weird. I read that article last night, so when I read your first post I assumed that was what inspired it.

Anyway, somewhere in the comments on there there is a guy talking about using one of those crowdsourcing fundraising websites to get the money for it. But the thing about projects like that is that even if you managed to raise the money, it'd no doubt go over budget and over time unless you had some real experts behind it.

Would be awesome, though. But which Enterprise? The 1701 has those nice '60s interiors, but the curvyness of the hull could be difficult to construct, while the Ent-A is a bit more rectangular in places, but the interior's kind of boring and less well known to non-Trek fans. And then all the other Enterprises are too big.

Meh, just cut costs and make the NX-01.


I want to smell dark matter
Let's paint all women green too.