Vinnie has turned into David Brent


I want to smell dark matter
Did I REALLY see him threaten to call his lawyer!?


Is this real life?
I wish he'd said specifically what was so bad because I couldn't figure it out.


I want to smell dark matter
There was NOTHING bad in what Sisqo said, that's why Vinnie couldn't come up with anything. All that stuff about "insulting his family" was pathetic (is he the only one with a family?) I liked it when BB came back with "have you never slagged off a housemate?" because he said far worse things about Katia and Sov than whatever Sisqo said.


Is this real life?
There was a lot we didn't see, though, if it really went on for 3 hours. Still, I agree, Vinnie's said far worse things than Sisqo ever could have, and generally acted in a very intimidatory way.


I want to smell dark matter
But even Dane looked baffled when Vinnie was complaining about it in the morning and said Sisqo didn't say anything that bad.


Is this real life?
True. I'm glad Dane did that much at least. Shame Sisqo's apology and cute nerdy look only made their appearance in tonight's show when it was too late to save him. :(


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