Seph * * Filthy European * * Dec 31, 2009 #26 shes a dirty little rippa she probably came a bunch of times bless her
Ilyanna moral imperfection Jan 1, 2010 #27 ^You're so not gonna bait me into watching midget porn.... As for my favorite:
Loktar Internet God Jan 1, 2010 #31 Seph said: and disproportionate forehead Click to expand... All the better to rest my beer on while she's giving me head.
Seph said: and disproportionate forehead Click to expand... All the better to rest my beer on while she's giving me head.
Donovan beer, I want beer Jan 2, 2010 #36 Seph said: and disproportionate forehead Click to expand... Reminds him of pickle...
Seph * * Filthy European * * Jan 2, 2010 #39 Gimme a C Gimme a U Gimme a N Gimme a T what does it spell..... Loktar happy NY mate.
Loktar Internet God Jan 2, 2010 #40 Seph said: Gimme a C Gimme a U Gimme a N Gimme a T what does it spell..... Loktar happy NY mate. Click to expand... Yeah I canna take a joke. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.
Seph said: Gimme a C Gimme a U Gimme a N Gimme a T what does it spell..... Loktar happy NY mate. Click to expand... Yeah I canna take a joke. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.