OK, I will get to this when I am back from classes!
Thanks. You forgot to add Shitty Kitty though.
Lol, that was you? Adding now.
The request was make over thirteen hours ago. Blackfoot's Dick is already on the citizen's list, as well. We can start contesting citizens that have already been added to the list? Citizens have been added to list since Blackfoot's Dick was accepted. It's too late now.
Nah, they can always be removed. Let's say there's a one week period for objections to be raised to any new accounts.
Article 16, Spamstitution. If a policy is not explicitly described in the Spamstitution, moderators have the right to create one. My one week rule doesn't contradict the Spamstitution; it stands.Where does it say that in the Spamstitution?
As I've previously stated, other citizens have been added to the since since Blackfoot's Dick was added. Even if that one week rule is enacted immediately, if wouldn't affect Blackfoot's Dick ex post facto, an already confirmed citizen.
Article 16, Spamstitution. If a policy is not explicitly described in the Spamstitution, moderators have the right to create one. My one week rule doesn't contradict the Spamstitution; it stands.
This isn't America; ex post facto isn't disallowed. I'll add it to the Spamatitution as an executive order soon, however.It would still be ex post facto in regards to Blackfoot's Dick. Any citizens that have been added within the last week, like one's Ily found to be illegitimate and had to be revouched for, would be exempt from that new rule.
Excuse me, reversed by who?You know this will more than likely be reversed, so why bother?