Troll Kingdom

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Probably Ily. You try and alter or add to the Spamstitution, she's more than likely going to delete or at least amend any changes you make.


Can Ily just "disappear" again for a few months so we get rid of at least one stick in the mud?

Ily and Yub are taking this way too seriously. Its really cramping the fake drama and Dual's fake/humorous grab for power.
Silly's all a game. Fake drama will come later, once we knock this nonsense on the head.
Silly's all a game. Fake drama will come later, once we knock this nonsense on the head.

Fake drama or not, this "nonsense" will only be knocked on its head because mm and Ily are lezzing out with each other and bribed you by letting you watch. If it were otherwise I'm sure Dual and the DLP would have a fighting chance. Either way I'm sticking with the underdogs.

Can Ily just "disappear" again for a few months so we get rid of at least one stick in the mud?

Ily and Yub are taking this way too seriously. Its really cramping the fake drama and Dual's fake/humorous grab for power.

Oh, so now my disappearances are welcome, are they? Too bad you already fed your newly-found backbone to Dual, because otherwise your awesome situational ethics would have tempted me to lezz out and try to bribe you....

Taking this serious? Boy, didn't Dual tell you (or are you not believing every word he says)? OK, I'll spell it out for you (once again):
We're playing a game. One where we're supposed to get mad or act seriously or otherwise pretend that a TK citizenship is somehow important enough to spend our time with.
Got it now?

NOW let's talk about you calling me a bitch a bit more in detail....
NOW let's talk about you calling be a bitch a bit more in detail....

Yes lets talk about it. Whats the worse way you can really punish me? Have your admin goon squad throw me in Daycare for an indefinite amount of time? Neg bomb me into the red so far I'll never recover?

I'm not sure I'd say that Ily's taking this too seriously, but Yub sure as hell is.

Seems that way to me. Ily(and you being her drooling lapdog) have mm in your pocket so there's no way Dual and the DLP can win the "game".

Oh for heaven's sake, Loktar, GET A GRIP! I have mm in my pocket? REALLY?
Damn, since you already call me a bitch, let's be honest for a second - if anything, I am mm's lapdog, happily so.
How many times more do I have to dub her 'goddess' before you realize that I live to serve her? (And not necessarily because one day she might share her poolboys with me). D'you really think I would wade through all that dribble regarding the Spamstitution and vouchers and whatnot if I thought I could just delete that stuff and get away with it? (Not to mention that I'd never get to see Conchaga in a toga again, which would be really, really sad).

And while we're at it... you seem to have the notion that somehow, Dual needs protection from us bad, bad people... did it ever occur to you that while he can be as nice and sweet as any 19-years-old boy, he also has played an active part at TK since 2005? That's 4 years of survival among people like CU, Messenger, RobL, MM, VKD, and other trolls. Now, is it due to a miracle that this shy, sensitive, fragile flower hasn't withered and died yet - or is there, maybe, possibly, another side of him, the Dark Side, that enabled him to not only stand his ground where others have fled, but to prosper and even become a founding father of the forum you are currently viewing?

Yes lets talk about it. Whats the worse way you can really punish me? Have your admin goon squad throw me in Daycare for an indefinite amount of time? Neg bomb me into the red so far I'll never recover?


Oh now you're being silly. Who said anything about punishing you? If that's your opinion of me, well, then that's your opinion. I just wanted clarification if that was a blunder on your side or not, since I like to know where exactly we stand.
And who the fuck are you talking about with that 'admin goon squad' bit? The closest I've ever come to having an admin do my bidding was when I asked GTC to do his Badland's fucking while I am around so I wouldn't miss the fun (boy, do I miss that guy!).
Neg bombing? I can't even recall the last time I negged anybody, and I sure as shit won't take the time to do such a completely unsatisfying and futile task just because you called me something I am not even sure I find overly derogatory.
I thought I was supposed to be the paranoid delusional freak around here. STOP STEALING MY BIT, LOKTAR.
I was seriously considering to translate that post into binary, btw, but obviously Loktar can't read that well, so for clarity's sake, I refrained.
I thought I was supposed to be the paranoid delusional freak around here. STOP STEALING MY BIT, LOKTAR.

YOU have been stealing Sardonica's bit. He was doing the paranoid schizo routine WAY before you got here, then he left 'cause he had kids. Wait... you have kids... you're married. HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE! You are Sardonica! Welcome back old man!
Oh for heaven's sake, Loktar, GET A GRIP! I have mm in my pocket? REALLY?
Damn, since you already call me a bitch, let's be honest for a second - if anything, I am mm's lapdog, happily so.
How many times more do I have to dub her 'goddess' before you realize that I live to serve her? (And not necessarily because one day she might share her poolboys with me). D'you really think I would wade through all that dribble regarding the Spamstitution and vouchers and whatnot if I thought I could just delete that stuff and get away with it? (Not to mention that I'd never get to see Conchaga in a toga again, which would be really, really sad).

And while we're at it... you seem to have the notion that somehow, Dual needs protection from us bad, bad people... did it ever occur to you that while he can be as nice and sweet as any 19-years-old boy, he also has played an active part at TK since 2005? That's 4 years of survival among people like CU, Messenger, RobL, MM, VKD, and other trolls. Now, is it due to a miracle that this shy, sensitive, fragile flower hasn't withered and died yet - or is there, maybe, possibly, another side of him, the Dark Side, that enabled him to not only stand his ground where others have fled, but to prosper and even become a founding father of the forum you are currently viewing?

Oh now you're being silly. Who said anything about punishing you? If that's your opinion of me, well, then that's your opinion. I just wanted clarification if that was a blunder on your side or not, since I like to know where exactly we stand.
And who the fuck are you talking about with that 'admin goon squad' bit? The closest I've ever come to having an admin do my bidding was when I asked GTC to do his Badland's fucking while I am around so I wouldn't miss the fun (boy, do I miss that guy!).
Neg bombing? I can't even recall the last time I negged anybody, and I sure as shit won't take the time to do such a completely unsatisfying and futile task just because you called me something I am not even sure I find overly derogatory.

LULZ. I have nothing against you honestly, Ily. I just love stirring up fake drama. I have a soft spot for losers/underdogs. Thats mostly why I'm siding with the DLP for the moment(lulz/game/fake drama/shit stirring). Plus its more lulz to see people's reactions when I do something unexpected.
LULZ. I have nothing against you honestly, Ily. I just love stirring up fake drama. I have a soft spot for losers/underdogs. Thats mostly why I'm siding with the DLP for the moment(lulz/game/fake drama/shit stirring). Plus its more lulz to see people's reactions when I do something unexpected.

Don't worry, just lately I expect you to make a damn fool of yourself.