It was a cynical, cowardly cash grab.
Presumably, "to hide the starship from the natives." Which would have been accomplished a lot better by keeping the ship in fucking orbit. Not like the Zebra People were toting telescopes around. During the day.Kirk and McCoy jump off a cliff The Enterprise...which is under water. Why?
AND OH BOY the Trek callbacks are horrible. It's been talked about a lot in the last nine years, but it is worth repeating again how stupid it is that Harrison (a white English guy) turns out to be Khan. If you know who Khan is you'll just think "that's not Khan for fuck's sake!" and if you don't know you'll just think "why does this matter?" Nothing would have been different if he'd just been John Harrsion, a rogue Starfleet special ops guy! They didn't market Cumberbatch as playing Khan in the movie, they instead lied about it for a year, meaning they didn't even get anything out of using the Khan name. And it's a real shame because Cumberbatch does very good work with what he's given. You can tell there's scsenes where he has to hold back because the truth hasn't been revealed yet, but he's always very fun to watch. He just never gets to properly play Khan because he's only Khan becaue Khan's famous.
The enterprise was under water so the Klingons didn't see it, the planet was in their space not the federations.
Discovered a lost series I need to review.
So, I was thinking about how awesome Voyager: Elite Force (the game) was earlier, and like so much of my life being on a whim, I decided, as an extension of that thought, to rewatch Scorpion 1 and 2. It's, as Wacky says, absolutely Voyager at its peak. The best cold open in Trek history? Might be. I remember being blown away when it first aired, and hey, it still holds up today. Watching it with a more discerning eye, it's yet another flagrant example of how reckless and downright schizophrenic Janeway can be in her decision-making as captain. Hey, we just got buzzed by FIFTEEN Borg cubes; let's follow them! The first of many insane choices she makes in this episode on blind faith and a precursor to her becoming even more unhinged in episodes like Equinox. It's a good thing that Kate Mulgrew is such an excellent actress, or it would be harder to accept sometimes. Chakotay does push back on her and tries to subtly suggest that finding a nice Class M planet where they can play happy families is probably a better idea than being assimilated, but I feel he should have tried harder than looking mildly miffed and then throwing a fable at her!Scorpion: Part 1 - Two Borg Cube are flying through space through space telling someone they're about to be assimilated. Whoever it is blows them the fuck up. As teasers go this is an all time great. Janeway hangs out with Leonardo da Vinci in the Holodeck, played by John Rhys-Davies, a good actor who has played some great characters ("...AXE!") but also happens to be a racist piece of shit in real life. She gives him advice on his flying machine. A long range probe sneds a report back to Voyager that they're about to enter Borg Space (you'd think someone in that space station at the edge of the Nekrid Expanse or Kes's gypsy boyfriend would have known Borg Space was so near?) The probe finds a way through Borg Space, an area with no Borg activity, and Chakotay calls it the Northwest Passage. Janeway tells the crew she has faith in them (even Neelix) as they get ready for the Borg in a SERIOUS MONTAGE. The Doctor tries to come up with a way to stop assimilation using the Borg corpse found earlier in the season. He says the word "nanoprobes" and I think that's the first time it's been said (relating to the Borg) in Trek? I don't think First Contact actually explained what was happening when the Borg inserted their tubes into redshirts. Kes has a vision of dead Borg bodies and the destruction of Voyager. FIFTEEN Borg Cubes(!) head towards Voyager...and most fly right by it. One scans Voyager (Janeway says "think good thoughts") and then flies away. Later Janeway reads the log entries of every Starfleet commander to encounter the Borg (yes it's a chance to mention Picard by name!) to Chakotay (he claims she did a "pretty good Picard" but she didn't really.) Janeway tells Chuckles she can't imagine a day without him. Aww. Voyager catches up with the 15 cubes they saw earlier and finds them all destroyed by a weapon of unknown origin. They spot some weird lifeform hanging out on one of the wrecked cubes and Janeway decides to send Chakotay, Tuvok and Harry over to get a closer look. The cube is all messy on the inside too and there's drones spazzing out and stuff. It's a cool scene which gets even better when they find a fucking sculpture made out of dead Borg bodies (which resembles Kes's vision.) They find a crazy drone trying to assimilate part of the organic matter (Tuvok mentions that the Breen use organic ships and I'm mad we didn't see that in DS9.)
Kes has a vision of Harry in pain. Harry detects another lifeform in the cube just as Janeway orders them beamed out. Guess what? Voyager's transporters don't work! B'Elanna comes up with the idea of a "skeletal lock": beaming them over by locking onto their bones. That's...a thing. The lifeform turns out to be a big CGI thing (which still looks pretty decent) and it pimp slaps Harry. Kes reports the creature sent her a psychic message: "the weak shall perish." Harry is horribly infected by the alien with horrible lessions all over him. The alien cells are EATING him, the Doctor reports, while conscious. Ouch. That's the end of Harry then. Well the Doc hopes he can use Borg nanoprobes to cure Harry, but who knows if that'll work. B'Elanna finds from the Borg database that the aliens are known as Species 8472...and the Northwest Passage is full of their bioships. That's why there's no Borg there. Voyager witnesses 8472 ships flying through portals and Kes reports that it's an invasion and Species 8472 intend to destroy everything. Janeway has an emergency chat with Chakotay. They can't use the Northwest passage and she doesn't want to give up and turn around. Janeway visits Gimli again and they watch shadows on the wall together. She gets the idea that if she can't appeal to God maybe she can make an the Devil. She proposes to the crew making an alliance with the Borg: give them a way to defeat Species 8472 (that the Doctor is woringon to cure Harry) in exchange for safe passage through Borg space. Everyone asks questions but Chakotay, who only speaks when the others leave. He thinks it's too risky and tells Janeway the story of the scorpion and the fox. You probably know it (the scorpion stings the fox even though it drowns them both because it's the scorpion's nature.) Hey it's great that Beltran's getting to act in this episode. They argue it out with Chakotay wanted to retreat and explore the rest of the DQ and Janeway still being against that. Chakotay brings up that it would be wrong to help the Borg assimilate another spcies. Janeway thinks maybe some species deserve assimilating(!) but Chakotay says she's just justifying it to herself. Janeway sadly declares she is alone afterall. Janeway contacts the Borg but they just give her the usual line about assimilation. She points out that if they assimilate Voyager she'll have the data she has on 8472 destroyed. Janeway's beamed over and speaks directly to the collective (no Queen here though.) She demands safe passage before turning over her intel. But Species 8472 attack the Cube Janeway is on and Voyager can't beam her out. Species 8472 BLOW UP A WHOLE PLANET flinging Voyager and the Borg Cube through space and that's your cliffhnager.
This is the best episode of Voyager yet. I'm confident saying that without even thinking about it. There's been other great episdoes, with 'Death Wish' I'd say coming closest to achieving perfection (if it wasn't for those silly Janeway/Q scenes), but this one beats the all. It feels more serious, more important, more real than any episode so far. Introudicing a species that are even more dangerous than the Borg is the right way to go and results in Janeway making the highly questionable suggestion that they team up with the Borg. Chakotay makes a compelling argument as to why she's wrong. The viewer might agree with him, but we also understand why she makes the decision. It's real proper drama! In Voyager!
SCORE: 10/10
Scorpion: Part 2 - Voyager still can't beam Janeway off the cube. She contacts them and tells them to stop trying. She's made an agreement with the collective: they'll work on a weapon to defeat Species 8472 on the way back to the Alpha Quadrant. Part of the deal is she stays on the Cube. With Tuvok, because why not. Chakotay is extremely skepctical but follows her orders. The Doctor injects Harry with special nanoprobes and it makes some of the alien cells disappear. The Doc isn't sure his cure will work as a weapon of war. Kes has an episode after she detects 8472 watching her. The Borg want to assimilate Janeway and Tuvok to make the work go smoother. She refuses and suggests the Borg talk through a single representative. They pick a female drone known as Seven of Nine(!) She wants Janeway to make a weapon of mess destruction but Kathryn argues her down to a smaller weapon. Kes continues to have visions and the Doc thinks something more is going on. Janeway and Seven continue to clash with Janeway managing to keep the upper hand. Harry, fully healed already, returns to the Bridge. Species 8472 attack the Borg Cube and destroy it. Janeway, Tuvok, Seven and a load of drones beam over to a cargo bay just in time. Chakotay and Seven have a tense stand-off (who would guess they'll date one day!) Janeway has been badly injured and Doc has to put her in a coma. She might die! Really! She orders Chakotay to make the alliance work before going into her coma. Seven wants Chakotay to turn the ship around but he refuses to alter their initial agreement.
Chakotay tells the senior staff that he's going to end the alliance and drop the Borg off. Seven threatens to assimilate the whole ship but Chakotay says he'll throw all the drones into space if she tries, bitch. Seven makes a speech about how bad humans are compared to the collective. Chuckles asks comatose Janeway for forgiveness. Species 8472 continue to destroy millions of Borg. The collective tells Seven that she must take control of Voyager. The Borg try to get out the cargo bay so Chakotay depressurises it and blows most of them out into space. Of course Seven manages to stay onboard. She opens up a portal thing and takes Voyager into Species 8472's space. It's fluidic space! It's gross. Species 8472 are heading right for Voyager so Seven tells Chakotay he has no choice but to finish the weapon now. Chakotay realises that the Borg started the war by travelling to fluidic space and trying to assimilate Species 8472. By doing so they opened the door for 8472 to come to our galaxy. Janeway wakes from her coma and talks with Chakotay. She's disappointed he broke the alliance at the first opporutinity but he poitns out that the Borg are liars and they started the war. Janeway makes the call to fight with aliens with the Borg. Chakotay wants to get rid of Seven and take their chances alone. There's two wars going on! Chuckles remembers that Seven said their individual nature would be their undoing and they're proving her point by arguing. Janeway says they have to stop fighting and come together but remain individual. She meets with Seven on the Bridge and tells her she's confined Chakotay to his quarters (this is an obvious lie!) It's time to go to war. The ship is modified with the new weapons and Borg tech before 8472's ships arrive. They talk through Kes, saying Voyager's galaxy is "impure" and threatns their "genetic integrity". It will be "purged". This is all worth remembering for an episode next season! Voyager manages to destroy four 8472 ships with their nanoprobes (after a bit of a delay) and opens a portal to go back to their home universe. 8472 ships follow them and Voyager has to blow more of them up. All the 8472 ships return home (Seven reports) now that they know the Borg can defeat them. Janeway says it's time for Seven to hold up her end of the agreement but of course she tries to assimilate Voyager instead. Janeway contacts Chakotay and says "scropion!" Chakotay links his mind with Seven's (he was assimilated last season remember) and reminds her of being a young human girl on Earth. Her name is Annika. Her connection to the collective is severed. Chakotay visits Janeway in da Vinci's workshop reporting that it will take weeks to remove the Borg modifications from Voayger. Janeway says they're responisble for Seven of Nine now and have to off her the one thing the Borg cannot: friendship. Chakotay apologises for disobeying her orders and she says the important thing is they got through it together.
Okay it's not as good as part one, but it's still a top level Voyager episode. The main problems are that the Janeway/Chakotay conflict is wrapped up too easily and we don't really learn anything new about Species 8472. But everything involving Seven is great and I did enjoy Chakotay using his previous assimilation to defeat her. So overall it's a great two-parter and some of the best stuff Voyager will ever do.
SCORE: 9/10
His “love of Star Trek permeated his life and his worldview,” his family noted. “In addition to being well-known for a spot-on William Shatner impression that left his writing staffs in stitches, he believed in the promise of the future and the boundless potential of mankind.”