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Wacky Watches: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel

When She Was Bad is the first episode of Buffy I ever watched and was good enough to make me check out more of the show so i'm fond of it.
The woman in the Dusted podcast called a 3DS a "DS3" so I don't know about them anymore!

I can't remember what was the first full episode I watched, but I remember seeing it on BBC2 a few times when I was supposed to be studying for exams and thinking SMG was fucking hot so that's why I watched it.
First one I watched was the pilot.

I think they showed it in the same time slot as star trek, so I was just accustomed to watching what they put on, but I liked it.
Passion - Hey, this is a great episode. It's weird that the writer only wrote this and the shit Some Assembly Required. Anyway, I like the part at the start where Jonathan and some girl come into the library to use as an actual library. And Cordy being scared that she'd invited Angel into her car. But yeah forget the comedy: Angel's murdered Willow's fish! What a bastard! Oh, and he kills Jenny as well. That's sad too. So, Jenny's actress isn't really the best or anything but she's likable enough and pretty good in the scene with Angel right before he fucking snaps her neck. It's Anthony Stewart Head that makes her death something special with the scene where he finds her body laid out on his bed. That's a great scene. (Buffy and Willow finding out about her death is pretty damn heartbreaking too of course.) Then we have Giles with a flaming baseball bat beating up Angel (and the Spike/Dru/Angel triangle developing nicely.) This is a great episode is what I'm saying.

Killed By Death - I'm not like a tv historian or anything so I don't know when tv changed from being total standalone episodes into serialised story-telling like it is today (or like a lot of things I watch are, I know there's a lot of standalone stuff too) but I know Buffy was a bit more serialised than was the style at the time. Which makes this episode pretty crap as it's a really poor follow-up to Jenny's death. Like the scene with Angel in the graveyard at the start is pretty good, but he should have been taunting Buffy with "I just killed Jenny lol!" But it's like they can't go too serialised at this point in tv history? I don't know. If the episode was actually good it wouldn't matter but it's not. It's boring as fuck. I don't see this episode come up often in "worst Buffy ever" discussions and I think that's because it's so boring that no one actually remembers it. I mean all I remember now is a flashback where Buffy was Power Girl but without the boob window which makes sense because she was a little girl and that would have been weird. I liked that Cordy was a bit more involved in helping? That's a thing I rembmer too. This episode was shit.

I Only Have Eyes For You - This episode is pretty good.
Serialized drama became trendy back in the 80s with Hill Street Blues. (Preceded by the nighttime soap trend, as in Dallas/Dynasty from the late 70s) Hill Street was followed by St. Elsewhere, LA Law, thirtysomething, etc. They disappeared for a while but made a comeback around the time Buffy was on.

OH YEAH, Giles got knocked out in Passion so...

Giles knocked out count: 7

But I've probably missed some by now.

Also is the magic shop in Passion supposed to be the same magic shop Giles later owns? Because it looks very different.

The mayor got his first mention in I Only Have Eyes For You, I should have said that too.
Go Fish - Hey it's another example of bad episode placement! In that this seems to be a season one episode but with a shoehorned scene of Angel acting evil to make it fit in season two. Buffy even goes out with a swim team guy which seems completely out of chracter for Buffy at this point in her development. I did like the scene with Willow and Jonathan (he peed in the pool) so maybe if this was an all out comedy episode it would have worked. But it wasn't and it didn't. The evil coach tries to get his fish people to rape Buffy to death but they end up raping him to death instead. So that's ironic! Guest starring Wentworth Miller, if you're a fan! He plays a Game Boy at one point.
Becoming: Part 1 - Oh, so this is the first time we get Angel flashbacks with his terrible Irish accent. They're good flashbacks, particularly the one with Angel watching Buffy kill her first vampire. I like Buffy's first Watcher's moustache. Kendra returns and dies and it's kind of a shame that she isn't in the episode much because I quite liked Kendra. But we do get the awsome "Mr. Pointy" scene. Whistler seems like a pretty big deal but we don't see him again after Part 2. I remember reading it was becasue there was a character named Whistler in Blade, but I don't know that seems a bit unlikely? I mean he tells Angel he only goes by the name Whistler recently so they could have easily had him show up again using a different name. Maybe they just didn't like the actor.

Giles knocked out count: 8
Becoming: Part 2 - Buffy and Spike on the same side!? What a concept. I like it when Giles says "pillock." I wonder if we'll ever get to see the mayor. Is the "kick his ass" scene really Xander being a dick and wanting Angel killed, or does he genuinely think that he's doing the right thing and helping Buffy do what needs to be done? Probably a bit of both? Willow does magic for the first time. I hope she doesn't get ADDICTED. There's some parts during the swordfight where you can clearly see the stunt doubles for Buffy and Angel and it's distracting. How can Spike choke Dru unconscious when vampires don't breathe? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Anyway this episode is great and I probably should have kept a ranking of all the episodes as I watched...
I was going to say he probably cut off the blood to her brain, but then their hearts don't pump so its not that either.
Anne - It's season three and I'm told they've switched to 35mm and it looks much better. There's on of those shots where people are walking around the school talking and it switches between different conversations all in one shot that Joss does sometimes and it looks cool. Anne is a likable character (and pale as fuck.) Xander and Cordy's kind of subplot feels really pointless. The episode isn't bad but meh. It's not all that good either. It's okay. I'm sure things will pick up in the next episode with Buffy back home!
Dead Man's Party - This is an episode I remember hating. Watching it back, it's not that bad. I'd still put it on the "bad episodes" list probably, but the characters are more developed now and the actor's really good in the roles, so it's better than the bad episodes from the first two seasons. The stuff about Buffy adjusting to being home and how everyone's changed a bit since she's been away is actually quite good. Until the scene at the party where everyone (particularly Xander) is like completely horrible to her. She did murder her boyfriend to save the world, maybe try to understand where she's coming from a little, guys? But it's a Marti Noxon episode and sometimes she struggles with the subtle. The zombie stuff is bad and tacked on. But it is a good episode for Giles as Anthony Head does very good acting in the scene where he sees Buffy for the first time and the final scene with him threatening Snyder is great. So yeah, not a horrible episode!

Faith, Hope and Trick - This episode introduces three recurring characters. Eliza Dushku is very good as Faith right away (shame she isn't good at playing any other characters but we don't know that yet!) Also she's really hot. I quite like Mister Trick. Scott Hope though...I do like it when they show that Buffy's still interested in boys even though she's the slayer but his scenes aren't very entertaining. But watching out for clues that he's gay (as we find out in season 7!) makes them a bit better? This is a good episode and hey Angel's back to life!?
"I dated that ringworm" - the most memorable thing about Scott Hope, and it's something Buffy says four seasons later.
Beauty and The Beasts - This episode starts with Faith telling Buffy that men are all monsters. The main plot is about a boy who is drinking a Jekyll and Hyde potion to turn him into a monster (except in the end the potion doesn't work any more and he's just turning into a monster because ALL MEN ARE MONSTERS.) Buffy tells off the guy's abused girlfriend for dating a monster, but Buffy and Willow have dated/are dating Angel and Oz who turn into monsters as well, so is the episode saying that Buffy and Willow are in abusive relationships? Or just that all heterosexual relationships are abusive? Marti Noxon is the enemy of fun.

Giles knocked out count: 9

Homecoming - This is better. It's not a classic or anything, but it's a fun episode. I like the wacky Slayer hunters, the Mayor makes his first appearance and he's awesome and Cordy gets some good stuff to do. I like those things. It's also the last appearance by Scott Hope (I think?) so that's good! The Xander/Willow secret kissing thing starts and I think it feels pretty natural and if they'd got together a year ago they could have been a good couple.

Giles knocked out count: 10
I will comment further on Fab Filippo (Scott Hope) and his hotness if I ever do an "Eggs Mayonnaise Watches Queer As Folk-US" thread.
