Watched Angels And Demons


I want to smell dark matter
Umm, it was better than The Da Vinci Code (and Transformers 2.) The story moves along quickly and it's nice seeing Rome and hearing all the (probably innaccurate) historical stuff, but there's no depth to any of the characters (why was the woman even in the movie?) and Ewan McGregor's Irish accent disappeared halfway through.


(I'm now rating movies out of ten.)


U mad 'bro?
I'm actually really, really GLAD they got rid of the book ending.
Langston takes the helecopter up and jumps out without a parachute, and calculates the square yardage of his jacket vs air resistance to slow his fall and aims for a lake to land in. Even at the end of the book, I did a :facepalm: and :groan:

I do think though that Ewan did a great job, despite the accent.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I really hate that the History channel gives these books so much free press. (haven't seen either of the movies)


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, that bit would have been ridiculous...Ewan surviving even with a parachute was stretching things too.


Is this real life?
Ah, didn't know they changed the ending for the movie. I facepalmed when I read that in the book as well. I got the feeling it was supposed to be all mysterious, asking if God helped Langdon survive, but it didn't work because Dan Brown was writing it.


U mad 'bro?
I read the books years ago, so then I was watching the movie, I kept getting more tense with dread as they got closer to the end. I was mumbling, "please no, please no"

The guy in the next seat thought that my sigh of relief was because The Day Was Saved. Nope, I was because they didn't do the crappy ending.


I want to smell dark matter
I think Dan Brown might stop by to tell us why the ending was changed.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know Tautou in this one!


I want to smell dark matter
she wasn't that hot in the last one to be honest


Retired Account
whos in it worth a mention.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
You know what's amazing? Aside from the "Toy Story" films, this is the only time Tom Hanks has done a sequel. That's pretty incredible for an actor of his stature.


Staff member
Watched the movie (got dragged to the cinema) but refused to read the book after my severely underwhelming experience reading the Da Vinci Code.

I thought the movie was well paced but hokey in the extreme (Dan Brown can be blamed there) and made me roll my eyes far too often.


Retired Account
movies reli suck these days.