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Watching Flashforward.


Staff member

My friend has been banging on about it for ages every time we go out for a drink and he finally wrote me a DVD with the first 10 episodes on so I'm watching them through.

The concept is really good for a start and everything to do with the investigation side of what the Flashforward was/is has me hooked.

There are a lot of family scenes that drag on a lot though and I find the lead guy to be rather lacking in charisma. Sonya Walger always irks me as well for some reason. John Cho is in the show though and he's awesome so that helps.

I'm liking it enough to keep watching so far (first three episodes) but final judgement is still out.
Worst series I've tried watching in years. I gave up after about six episodes, and I'm usually a masochist with this shit.
I loved how the writers banged home the fact that the good guys didn't want to do a deal with the Nazi prisoner. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAINAGAIANGOGIAIANGIANGIANGIANGIANGIANG.....

We get it. Nazi's are bad.
It's ok. Not great...maybe even not "good", but ok. I'll keep watching when it comes back in March, it's actually much better than "V".
No WAY is it better than V. V did more in four episodes than Flashborward did in 10 and ended on an actual cliffhanger.
The problem I have with V is that we already know the Vistors are baddies. The original mini-series was cheesy as fuck, but the reveal that the V's were lizard people was pretty shocking. I just don't see V really going anywhere.
I have faith that the writers will keep the story with the resistance fighters interesting and we'll find out more about the way the aliens operate. I think it could work as a really good single season show, with the aliens being defeated in the final episode. There's a lot of potential and the fact that it's hard to see how they can keep it going for another 10-15 episodes actually makes me more excited about it.

Flashforward on the other hand just keeps going over the same territory. The same BORING territory. And it doesn't show any signs of changing. [SPOILERS MENTY] They've already had it confirmed that the visions don't mean shit and the future can be changed, but did that do any good? No. The main characters, who should realise better than anyone that the future can be changed STILL keep acting like it's inevitable. It's frustrating and stupid and makes you question why you're watching a show where you're smarter than all the main characters put together. Of course, that might be excusable, except that in 10 episodes this crack team of investigators have managed to investigate approximately fuck all. All we get are their dull personal lives.
Yeah, it's pretty shit. It starts off with such a good premise that you think "well I'll keep watching to find out what happens" and they throw in some interesting stuff and twists now and then...but all the characters are cardboard cut-outs with no depth and none of the actors really impress. Joseph Fiennes is just downright bad as the lead (have you got to "BECAUSE I WAS LOADED, OKAY?" yet, Menty?) The only story I liked was the one with the suicidal doctor and the cute Japanese girl but that was only in one episode. Yet I'll still watch again whenever it returns to Five!

V was pretty good other than the rushed first episode and Elizabeth Mitchell is hotter than Sonya Walger.
I'm curious if the American viewers think Sonya Walger's accent is really bad, because to my ears it sounds awful. She still sounds British quite often and when she doesn't sound British she sounds really whiny and nasal.
I stopped watching after about three episodes, when each episode seemed to be 90% focused on the dull dull dull dully personal lives ofthe characters, and about 10% on the interesting part of the blackouts.
And remember one episode they introduced a character played by Gina Torres and showed her flashforward then she was never in it again?
I stopped watching after about three episodes, when each episode seemed to be 90% focused on the dull dull dull dully personal lives ofthe characters, and about 10% on the interesting part of the blackouts.

That's my problem with it so far as well. From the consensus in this thread it doesn't look like there is much to look forward to. A shame.