Seph * * Filthy European * * Mar 5, 2010 #21 my ex used to get all like that then i re-did the patio...
Gagh Χριστόφορος Mar 5, 2010 #22 SuN said: Wat does this mean; mates bf stole her worn panty's and wants to fuck her with a balaclava on... Is he a psycho waiting to snapz? I said he is. Kthnx Click to expand... Is it Jeff?
SuN said: Wat does this mean; mates bf stole her worn panty's and wants to fuck her with a balaclava on... Is he a psycho waiting to snapz? I said he is. Kthnx Click to expand... Is it Jeff?
Seph * * Filthy European * * Mar 8, 2010 #24 jack said: this was really funny Click to expand... fine line between humor and truth. :bigass: