We come in peace


New Member
Randall Flagg said:
We both know the DLA is a non issue here. TK really has no use for an "army" to liberate a site that already represents freedom. But I'm sure there are other sites out there that are in more desperate need of your "services".

We see no grave injustices being carried out at the moment. But we have launched an investigated regarding The_Skan.


New Member
MessengerX said:
this is probably the only worthwhile post reading here

And there lies the problem, MessengerX.

I understand you hail from an environment on the internet where only the strong survive, where only the most ruthless of people can make it.

There is no need for that here.


New Member
TheFatMan said:
You all have to learn to make room for a new group of users.

i have to be honest here

youo do make a point. this was a central idea of the DLA.

PM sent


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Na. I think what we need to do is just hang The_Skan and beat the little fuck like a pinata.

Then we can have Michael Moore here eat jizzchin. He looks hungry enough. Problems solved.


New Member
Sarek said:
Na. I think what we need to do is just hang The_Skan and beat the little fuck like a pinata.

Then we can have Michael Moore here eat jizzchin. He looks hungry enough. Problems solved.

Why the hate? Why do you dislike me?


New Member
TheFatMan said:
DLA operations have been restarted

youv been warned

thats the mistake we made last time. stop announcing everything
