We Found Out the Sex of Our Baby!!!!


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
It's a bouncing baby BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty damn excited. I wanted a girl but now that I know I'm having a son, I'm just as giddy as a school girl.

We asked BDM's son what we should name his baby brother and he chose Grey. I really like it but it's still growing on BDM...We shall see.

So now you know, our other little man is well on his way, YAY!!!


New Member


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Thanks and yep, Grey. I knew a guy in middle school named Grey, he was a very cool dude.


Is this real life?
And the least interesting colour. But congrats anyway. :)


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Thanks everyone.

Oh and he's looking very healthy. Strong heartbeat, he was wiggling away so we got to see his legs, arms, fingers, and toes in action. We got a really good profile shot, he's got some big lips, just like his daddy.


Retired Account
congratulations L_G BDM all the best guys :bigass:


beer, I want beer
Don't call him anythiong that can so easily be mocked in the school yard. You'll traumatize the kid. "Grey, Grey, super Gay!" Can't you just hear this?


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Come now Dono, do you honestly think MY kid would A) ever be teased? We have gorgeous, popular children in my family. Or B) would ever put up with being teased? I'm fuckin' mean man, my son will have my quick wit and uncanny ability to not give a shit.

Oh and BTW, we considered the name Donovan but BDM didn't like the idea of people shortening the name to Don and I didn't like the idea of BDM shortening the name to Van.

Grey Samuel it is...Even my mom liked it and she hates designer sounding names!


beer, I want beer
Mostly I get Dono. Although there are an amazingly high number of black men named Donovan I've discovered. I should join the new age posters. I work with retarded folks, I should be able to fake it...


Is this real life?
Hey everybody, look at Grey's anatomy! *yoink!*

This is the future.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Hopefully Grey's Anatomy will be canceled by then.

Congratulations LG!


Retired Account
I should join the new age posters. I work with retarded folks, I should be able to fake it...

Quote Of The Fucking Week.. ^<------ right there.


GFHH Moderator
Don? lol...i wonder why not.

Congrats and the swap offer is still open.


GFHH Moderator
What about Seven?



New Member