We have a NEW Planet in our Solar System


Holy Roman Emperor

Technically, Chiron isn't a planet, but an object called a "centaur" - which are basically the halfway points between asteroids and comets. "Minor planet" is just the term used for anything that orbits the sun but isn't big enough to qualify even for dwarf planet status. Basically, asteroids, comets, and centaurs.


Zombie Hunter
You can find the strangest things, poking around Uranus.

The Question

Microplanet and it isn't new. We've known about it for a long time.



Shit Lord, Esq.
March, July and December.

Thanks for keeping this riveting thread alive, SuN.

You cunting fucktard.


youre welcome sweetheart, the planets are gonna rage

The Question

You're right, though, it isn't new. I mean, it's not as if it just formed. It's been there a little while.


Shit Lord, Esq.
I wonder who Trump is going to take this news when he finds out. Maybe we should start banning people from Chiron?

The Question

When it comes to Chiron, I'm all about "open borders." As far as I care, all the illegals, and they can take fucking MEChA and La Raza and the Brown Berets with them, can go and pull their "Reconquista" shit there.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Subsequent reports place its size and almost the size of Rosie O'Donnell's ass.

The Question

It's WOP, you dimwitted dingleberry. Must be a fuckin' shanty Irish, innit.