steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member

marijuana (weed)

steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member


It can damage blood vessels
It may increase testicular cancer risk
It impacts short-term memory
It hinders creativity
It could destroy brain cells
It could help heal broken bones
It can triple your risk of death from hypertension
It could make you more vulnerable to Alzheimer’s

steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member
Marijuana can make you feel silly, relaxed, sleepy, and happy or nervous and scared. It may change your senses of sight, hearing, and touch. Marijuana can make it hard to think clearly. In rare cases, some people start seeing things that are not real, called hallucinations.

steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member
There are many ways to use marijuana, pot, grass, herb, boom. People can:

roll marijuana up and smoke it like a cigarette (called a joint) or a cigar (called a blunt).
smoke marijuana in a pipe.
mix it in food and eat it or brew it as a tea.
smoke oils from the marijuana plant (this is called “dabbing”).
use electronic vaporizers (“vape pens”) to “vape.
marijuana oil.

steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member
Signs of Marijuana Use:

. getting dizzy
. laugh for no reason, when shit ain't laughable.
. have red, bloodshot eyes.
. forget things that just happened two minutes ago.
. munchies

Marijuana makes you feel like time is slowing down. Minutes can feel like hours. At the same time, everyday sights, sounds, and tastes may seem really interesting or funny.

Marijuana can make you feel very hungry. You want to eat lots of junk food. Some people call this "the munchies."

People who smoke marijuana often smell like it afterwards. Marijuana smells sweeter than cigarette smoke. A person might use incense, cologne, or perfume to try to hide the smell.