Spamsitution of the Badlands, Article XXII:
By the powers vested in us by articles XVI and XIX, the following is made law:
Effective 1 Octobre, all candidates for the office of moderator must be members of a registered political party. Only one candidate may run per party, and this candidate must have gained the approval of their party through whatever internal selection process they have in place.
Thank you for your time,
The Moderating Team
*sits back in her cozy, worn-out mod couch*
legal shmegal. I've been here first, with LC being the second mod, so technically, your election was invalid in the first place, and your altering threads as much as you can won't wash away the stain of illegality on your badge.hpblaugh:
14. The term of office will be as long as missmanners dictates or until the person holding said office
To repeat:
Far from it, in fact. I already won, is all :bigass:
Will someone PM at Pickle's board where Omar is voted out or if I get voted in? If the latter occurs I'm trashing this ridiculous Spamtitutional shit and installing myself and Ily as mods for life. That is all.
Are you sure? I wouldn't be shocked to find out Love Child is another mod for life. It could be Omar getting replaced.
That's a possibility, too. Eventually, we'll all be Badlands mods. Lulz and true chaos will follow.