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WF's "Violet Room"

I'm probably the only person who has never seen the Violet Room, except for the first day they opened it when it was on the main forums page. :D

I'm probably also the only person at WF who wasn't talking smack about the mods and owners for the past three days! :)
You're not missing anything. Federal Farmer
Well, I was free there too until they went full control-freak, building basement dungeons - and then locking the intended victim out of the part of the house that connects to the dungeon.

Well, no matter how badly they may wish it, nothing they do is going to make Hillary win the election. They're not going to succeed in putting a bubble over Brooklyn and keeping the bad news out.

Oh, and for anyone wondering about the potential compromise of PM's, I had 19,000 comments, and only 36 PM's, all of which were things like "Nice thread! Keep it up!" and "I think I just got banned", to people like Tererun, Dinner, FF, etc.

There was absolutely nothing to compromise in them - because I use PM's for virtually nothing.

So that was yet more BS excuses. There's a definite pattern of that that everyone immediately discerned without the slightest help from me. I was the person least involved in what went on. Didn't see it coming. Couldn't do anything when it did. Didn't back talk the mods. Didn't say anything nasty to any other members.

They had a plan (a bad one), and executed it (badly).
You were free until Trump won, then they started melting down
...and the funny thing is how much things have changed in a relatively short time.

A lot of people are gone. Some people are dead.

Castle was, ironically, on the side of Anc and gul, if my humble editing is to be believed. Talk about your useful idiots. He sure got threw under the bus in a big way.

Another irony is that I saw RickDeckard as the most dangerous person to get in power. Who knew it would be sweet inclusive John? W.

Um. Me. About two weeks after I first encountered him when he popped a cork and everyone in TNZ went "OMG! Not John!"

I grew up around hard core Southern Baptist preachers. Talking the gospels, talking ethics and the right thing all the time does not rule out being a rather mean and ruthless person. They are almost unrelated. Most religious folks are genuinely warmhearted and honest, but others wear their religion like a suit of armor they inherited. One handy test is to see how they react when something gets under their skin. Some fly into a rage and reveal the blackest of hearts. Some nurse hatred and vindictiveness. They may strive to be better than that, and are fine as long as they stay away from the wrong stimulus, situations, and opportunities, but handle with caution because they aren't strong enough to resist their nature.

Americans might better relate to this if the person was the villain in an aristocratic British costume drama. The person has the speech, mannerism, upbringing, and behavior of a true and noble gentleman. But that's not who they are when there's something they want or someone they want to hurt. So you have this fine, noble, well-mannered gentleman pursuing someone's utter destruction. They don't turn into Dr. Jekyll. Their speech and mannerisms don't change. They don't ever sound like a gutter rat. And yet they do horrible things. And they especially target those who see through their disguise.

Now of course none of that would apply to Anna, who is a sweet person in a tough situation, and perhaps too easily persuaded by others.

I don't know enough about gul to have an opinion.

That may surprise some, and more strangely, I have trouble telling some of you apart. In most cases I'm not really interacting with a person in a forum, I'm letting the concepts in my head do battle with the concepts in their head. I am generally responding to a previous comment. Not really the person who made the comment, but the comment itself.

The comment was left by a person, and we're both people, and we both have ideas in our heads, but the ideas in our heads are not who we are. They are not people, they're ideas. We are more than the fluff of the economic and political theories we picked up in the latter 20th and early 21st centuries. I try to understand my ideas inside out, and have nurtured and tested them enough to be quite confident they will prevail in a debate. But faith in an untested idea is a blind faith. There will be gaps and holes that you won't even suspect until you put your idea in combat with a competing idea. But in debate, there's also how you deploy and maneuver your ideas against other ideas, and for that you need an opponent, a good opponent, because ideas must be tested, arguments tried and tried again to expose their weaknesses. And for that you need a debate forum, and for the forum to work you need people willing to debate.

This approach is of course bound to impact my debating style because I'm trying to find positions where my ideas will win or where I need to swap out to a new set of ideas. The goal is to end the game not with victory, but in possession of the best ideas. So when my debate opponent has a winning position based on one board position, I'll redeploy my pieces as best I can to change the board position. If I lose, I learn from it and try not to repeat the mistake or discard the pieces (ideas) that were flawed or weak, or take note of their particular foibles. "Don't leave that pawn undefended." In theory, my opponents are learning from this too. Ideally, we are both making each other smarter. In theory, we are also making all the spectators smarter. Not perhaps in general intelligence, but in the fitness of their ideas against other ideas. And having a brain full of fit ideas is conducive to general success in life. If nothing else it can make you entertaining at parties, especially ones where you find yourself in a room full of losers.

So where some at WF are scratching their heads at why I would contact someone who I seem to disagree with most strongly, or that assume I was reaching out to my bitterest enemy, I ask if they've ever watched someone spar? The person their sparring with, even as they're both bleeding, is not their enemy. There is no hatred or disrespect running through their veins.
They may trust their sparring partner with their life, and give their life to defend his, and both might not trust their own right-hand man.

Who you debate and who you trust and who you like are completely different questions.

I trust El Chup because I've debated him in bitter combat and yet he is still fair, willing to take hits if his position demands it, and willing to sacrifice self-interest to higher principles. That's rare. It shouldn't be, but it is. Lots will talk the talk, but he is walking the walk. That takes character.

And when we're back in a proper forum we will again be at each other's throats, because that's what we do. My ideas will battle his ideas as we deploy our best arguments.
That's how it's supposed to work. Sadly, it's rare that that's how it really does work. There are people who debate, and I've enjoyed debating with them. There are also those, of course, who like to fling turds, and I like to fling turds right back at 'em. They don't much like that. :bigass:

Another irony is that I saw RickDeckard as the most dangerous person to get in power. Who knew it would be sweet inclusive John? Who knew RickDeckard would wind up a *right-leaning moderate* by today's standards? .
Rick supports what they're currently up to. He's the Irish Gul.
I trust El Chup because I've debated him in bitter combat and yet he is still fair, willing to take hits if his position demands it, and willing to sacrifice self-interest to higher principles. That's rare. It shouldn't be, but it is. Lots will talk the talk, but he is walking the walk. That takes character.
I never used to be like that, but the older I have gotten the more I have seen unfairness. From colleagues and bosses treating co-workers like shit and being untrustworthy, to people manipulating others, be it in business, friendships of whatever else. Plus, sometimes when I litigate I am forced to act for such questionable people that sticking by the principles of fairness outside of work is my way of sticking to my own values, and not being like them. So it's gotten more important to me as the years have gone by, and it's also one of the reason I went into business for myself rather than remain an employee.
I do have to clarify something about this: I was ahead of the curve but playing nice. Tamar warned me when the board changed hands that the new management was going to pull... well, what started with me but has been finally boiling over this week. It's been a long time coming, but it ain't exactly breaking news to me.
You were so ahead of the curve you ignored her advice and carried on with the idiot act, which got you banned.
When even Packard thinks you ha e jumped tge shark it is time to rethink. Sadly, Gul and John are incapa le of self reflection. Their heads are to far up their own asses.
When even Packard thinks you ha e jumped tge shark it is time to rethink. Sadly, Gul and John are incapa le of self reflection. Their heads are to far up their own asses.
I really don't think the problem is John. He's in a difficult position. They make a decision, tell John what it is and then leave him to face the music, which is pretty cunty. I think John just feels obliged to follow the party line, and gets frustrated when he gets shit as a result. He pretty much suggested as much a few days before the gturner banning.

Gul is the dangerous one because he doesn't care what WF is, doesn't care about the veterans of WF and doesn't care about any opinion that is not his own.
You're not as smart as you think you are if you think John is just some cuddly, innocent little victim. He's one of those holier than thou "I'm doing it for everyone's own good" fascists. I'll buy that he was in favor of this Purple Pony Playhouse idiocy because just outright banning people for no fair reason would force him to admit he's an intolerant, narrow-minded bully. But he's certainly on board about all of this--if not directly responsible.
I agree. John is over eager. He's excited to get in there and ban people and create new rooms and policies. He's a child though. He has no ability to reason logically. He lashed out emotionally and digs himself deeper and deeper. Hes only powerful online so he's running with it like Neroon. In real life he's a powerless loser and wf is his outlet like starscape lounge was his outlet before.
Yep, the best thing you can say about John is he is an emotionally stunted man child who dreams of getting fucked in the ass by cartoon ponies.
Yep, the best thing you can say about John is he is an emotionally stunted man child who dreams of getting fucked in the ass by cartoon ponies.

I find it very difficult to imagine a cartoon pony fucking anyone.

Call it left field-ish if you must, but maybe the problem is his fantasies are totally unreasonable. It must be very frustrating to struggle along under the weight of a need that can never be met.

You right though, it is nice of you to say. It's a sort of high kindness to meet people where they are.

Even it's just for a few minutes and he's not around to defend himself.
Oh, I tell him the same stuff to his face (metaphorically speaking). Trust me on that one. I don't have a problem speaking my mind directly to someone.
So does this mean y'all are going to stop taking about all this meaningless WF bullshit?

Because, yay.