What are you giving up?


Still in Mom's basement
Voo Doo....it's ancient and you get to take drugs and dance around naked by a hug bon fire, then someone bites off a chickens head and we all have sex.


Pinata Whacker
Somehow, I think it's her way of saying it's a personal issue.

Thats cool too. Whatev. I'm not out to persecute people for their religious beliefs. I wouldn't care if she worshipped Cthulu or the Flying Sphaghetti Monster.


Still in Mom's basement
I don't see anything wrong with it...Speghetti is devine...

Loktar, I was cutting up...I don't practic e Voo Doo. I am Oneness. It's sort of like Pentecostal but we don't call ourselves that....


Pinata Whacker
I don't see anything wrong with it...Speghetti is devine...

Loktar, I was cutting up...I don't practic e Voo Doo. I am Oneness. It's sort of like Pentecostal but we don't call ourselves that....

Thats cool. Sounds New Age and mystical.

To the googlemobile!

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
Oh for fuck sake. That's like saying people with paranoid schizophrenia are at least not as crazy as those catatonic schizophrenia.

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
I'm forced to take meds for my crazy. The religious, oddly enough, are not. :D

Shit, I should just take my crazy one step further, claim to see Jebus, and have my psych records discarded.


Considering Jebus is not real I think that getting your pysch records discarded would be difficult.

However, Jesus, on the other hand....whole different ball of wax. You can rail away about how insane it is to believe in Him all day long, but that's not going to profit anyone. So park your bile in the pancreas where it belongs and let's all go back to spamming. Unless you're aching for a fight in which case go and tell Luci you love black chicks and you think that they are superior in bed or something because I think you'd either be ignored [I personally favour this option] or simply trolled and negged into the ground by idiots who would like to see how well you dance if you continue making a fuss [which can be fun but I can't really be arsed alot of the time].


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
This thread is full of something, but I haven't decided what yet.

Tell you what, I'll get back to you on it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That's because I fell on SuN's lap this week.


Retired Account
