Here's the whole post I got that from:
From: William Longworth - view profile
Date: Sun, Sep 8 1996 12:00 am
[email protected] (William Longworth)
Groups: rec.arts.movies.current-films, rec.arts.sf.movies
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ID4Eagle1 <
[email protected]> wrote:
>Sigh ... Hitler openingly admired Stalin.
>> you would know that Hitler
>gained his power and support from the left labor unions
>After the war, and even today, some leftist and Nazi organozations
>are on the record as feeling betrayed by Hitler; as they should.
>Hitler did in fact betray numerous labor unions in his accention to
>I can understand why you don't know these things ... its the dumbing
>down of America by multi-culturist in America.
I don't think they have stopped teaching WWII in history thanks to
>Oh, the %2 that consume %50 of the world's resources are being more
>productive in aquiring those resources for consumption.
That doesn't answer why that 2% are so wasteful that they need to
consume 50%.
And that's "acquiring."
>Life is a struggle to survive ... this is a Darwinian fact, that I'm
>sure your liberals love. If my survival depends on pulling the wool
>over your head, and making off with the spoils, then so be it.
That would imply that you are lying.
And the expression is pulling the wool over your eyes, not head.
>Obviously, Americans are doing something the other countires of the
>world can not stop or can not emulate. Either way, we are being
>successful while North Koreans are staving because of no food :/
starving (which is generally caused by a lack of food, btw)
>We pay $1.20 for gas ( petrol ) while in Europe its $4 - $5 /gal.
We subsidize the cost through our taxes, and we have the benefit of
limited domestic production. Of course, this has all been helped
along by the fact that we have a political system openly for sale,
which has allowed oil and auto interests to crush clean air
regulations and efforts to promote cleaner, safer alternatives. The
poor, stupid bastards in Europe and Japan will probably be the first
to develop cars using fuel cells, etc. and we will all enjoy a repeat
of the late 60's when Japan started selling smaller, better cars in
the U.S. By the Mid-Eighties, the american automaker was synonymous
with crap. I know I'm eager to float another multi-billion dollar
loan to the last great dinosaur of the industrial era. Why do right
wingers always boil everything down to a question of cash? Anybody
else notice that?
>In American we can buy an advanced VCR for ~$200 - $300, while in
>Europe its double

Japanese charter jumbo jets (2) when they
>visit Hawaii. 1 jet carries the Nihonjin ( Japanese ) while the
>other carries all the goods which they bought here, because it
>was soooooooo much cheaper. ex, I bought a pair of 501 Levis for
>$22 last week. In Japan they sell for almost $70.00. hahahahahahah
>ahahahahahahahahahaha no we in America are obviously doing something
>that the world either can't stop or can't emulate ....hahahahahahahah.
You are talking about imports, try comparing the price of a Porsche in
Europe to that of one in the U.S.
You might want to try typing your e-mail in a program like Word and
running a simple spell checker on it. It might lend some credibility
to your tirades about the collapse of education.