What crawled up Sarek's bum those many years ago?


New Member
Symptoms may include aggression, anxiety, balance issues, blurred vision, brain zaps, concentration impairment, constipation, crying spells, depersonalization, diarrhea, dizziness, electric shock sensations, fatigue, flatulence, flu-like symptoms, hallucinations, hostility, highly emotional indigestion, irritability, impaired speech, insomnia, jumpy nerves, lack of coordination, lethargy, migraine headaches / increased headaches, nausea, nervousness, over-reacting to situations, paranoia, repetitive thoughts or songs, sensory & sleep disturbances, severe internal restlessness (akathasia), stomach cramps, tremors, tinnitus (ear ringing or buzzing), tingling sensations, troubling thoughts, visual hallucinations / illusions, vivid dreams, and speech visual changes.


Un Banned
To answer Boll Weevil's OP:

What crawled up Ambassador Sarek's bum many moons ago was when he was unfairly permabanned from a mugen forum.


New Member
You fired the first shot twice. There is no banter - there is peace or there is WAR.


New Member
Better run and get jack first. You'll need the help.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Truth be told, that was the video of my most recent colonoscopy. There's a reason I can eat like a horse and yet maintain my slim, fighting figure. ;)


New Member
Truth be told, that was the video of my most recent colonoscopy. There's a reason I can eat like a horse and yet maintain my slim, fighting figure.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What an excellent bump.