What do you call a woman that wears a human arm for a scarf?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why, Eloisel of course :D

FBI parte due

Folces Weard



Forever Empress E
What do you call a short, fat, bald, male-type individual who wears an extra male hand on his shoulder instead of wearing his bottom dentures?


[Picture removed as per jack's request]

Looky there, Jack - no copyright. Just free and clear out there on the internet for the viewing and all. I knew it was you, too, because I had the picture you sent me to compare it to.


Forever Empress E
OnyxOverdrive: is that PI? o dear....
Using your own behavior as an example, please explain why you think this picture of Jack is illegal PI?


stealth ninja
Using your own behavior as an example, please explain why you think this picture of Jack is illegal PI?

when jack used a picture of you for his av, you claimed he was violating copyright, and threatened to have some guy called Bear initiate legal proceedings. So jack removed the av.


Forever Empress E
when jack used a picture of you for his av, you claimed he was violating copyright, and threatened to have some guy called Bear initiate legal proceedings. So jack removed the av.

You are misrepresenting what I wrote.

Jack did violate copyright. He took a picture from a site where it is clearly marked that the pictures on that site are copyrighted.

I did not threaten to have some guy initiate legal proceedings. I asked Bear if anyone had asked permission to use those photos from 2004 and Bear said that no one had. I included a screencap of Jack using the picture and included Jack's email addresses in my email to Bear. I do not know why Jack removed the picture. I don't know if Bear contacted him or if some mod/admin here pointed out the violation to Jack or if Jack just decided to use something else.

Now, the picture I posted of Jack was taken off a non-copyright sight where Jack apparently posted the pic himself. Somewhere around here is a post about such things being fair game.

Homo Erectus

Registered User
what you should do is whine about it. That will make it all better, and you'll feel bigger somehow than before.


stealth ninja
You are misrepresenting what I wrote.

Jack did violate copyright. He took a picture from a site where it is clearly marked that the pictures on that site are copyrighted.

I did not threaten to have some guy initiate legal proceedings. I asked Bear if anyone had asked permission to use those photos from 2004 and Bear said that no one had. I included a screencap of Jack using the picture and included Jack's email addresses in my email to Bear. I do not know why Jack removed the picture. I don't know if Bear contacted him or if some mod/admin here pointed out the violation to Jack or if Jack just decided to use something else.

Now, the picture I posted of Jack was taken off a non-copyright sight where Jack apparently posted the pic himself. Somewhere around here is a post about such things being fair game.

where you got the pic from doesn't matter.

TK has a no personal info rule unless the subjects themselves don't mind the PI being posted. So unless jack and neil gave you permission to use that pic, you may be in deep pigshit...



Forever Empress E
I suggest you state on what rules you base your supposition. Furthermore, I suggest you immediately run to the QSF and complain.


Forever Empress E
Well, I've tried to stay out of this as much as I could, but this is such a load of horseshit!

1. Any PI that links your user name to your real life person has been either removed as soon as possible, or you have done the linking yourself. Moreover, you have been advised repeatedly that if you see a breach of the PI rule, you should contact an admin, which, to the best of my knowledge, you didn't. Couldn't have been that bad, then.

2. I don't know if you've noticed, but this is, at least partly, a troll board. Meaning it is populated with people good at, for example, gathering PI. This is a risk you have taken by registering here in the first place. Nobody has forced you to post the state you live in, the places you visit, pictures of you, or any other information that could be used to do an online search.

Putting the blame for your leaving on jack and others because they did something this board has been well-known for from the start, is really, really lame, and it makes me wonder - have you ever protested against PI trolling of other people before? I mean, your post sounds like it isn't something you deem ok - or is it only a no-go when you are the target?

3. None of the information posted by jack and others have been taken by illegal means or by exploring sites not available to the public. Any employer interested enough in checking your online activity would have been able to find your handle and follow you back to TK long before jack and others started trolling you.

You might want to consider that the next time you get active at a "free-speech" site that has the word Troll in its title.

I suggest you apply this post to your current complaint, VKD.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yeas and J&L was banned for it, initially, and anyone that uses images from it is subject to the same ban.

Wait til the old guy from VA gets his hands on you :D