What do you call a woman that wears a human arm for a scarf?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Geez Jack. Grow some hair already!

D00d, I get laid 2.3 times a week, by a very lovely woman.

Can you even say you've been with one this year?

Poor little wheeze, completely owned by a very old troll


Forever Empress E
D00d, I get laid 2.3 times a week, by a very lovely woman.

Can you even say you've been with one this year?

Poor little wheeze, completely owned by a very old troll

Aww... I see the tear coming down out of the corner of your eye. "Poor, pitiful, Wheeze. I own her."

Well, dear, you are one lousy owner. I need some new things and you have not been forthcoming.


Forever Empress E
Yeas and J&L was banned for it, initially, and anyone that uses images from it is subject to the same ban.

Wait til the old guy from VA gets his hands on you :D

What's he going to do to me, Jack?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You only see what you wish to see, Pig Princess.

And now, everyone knows it :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Best. Troll. Ever.


beer, I want beer


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I suggest you state on what rules you base your supposition. Furthermore, I suggest you immediately run to the QSF and complain.

No he's right. Last person that posted that pic w/o my permission paid the price. I own copyright on it. My wife took it, and I specifically DONT give you permission to use it. It was copied without my permission by Blackfoot, who enshrined it at his fake messboard.

Again, I specifically DON'T give you permission to use it, especially in this manner and request you have it removed.

I suggest you ask a mod to remove it before I actually do complain to someone who will do something about it.

And forget about "peace". Get the fuck off this board, you cunting fat pig :bigass: You're toast as far as I'm concerned.

I was all set to settle this 'til I saw that. You're fucking hopeless.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You're toast Wheeze :bigass: You won't need to quit posting here to "protect your job" much longer.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
See what I mean, jelly bean?

Be seeing you in the funny papers, Tubbsy. Hope you enjoyed the lecture. Maybe it will give you some insight on what a complete POS you truly are.

May you live in interesting times, fatso.


You are misrepresenting what I wrote.

Jack did violate copyright. He took a picture from a site where it is clearly marked that the pictures on that site are copyrighted.

I did not threaten to have some guy initiate legal proceedings. I asked Bear if anyone had asked permission to use those photos from 2004 and Bear said that no one had. I included a screencap of Jack using the picture and included Jack's email addresses in my email to Bear. I do not know why Jack removed the picture. I don't know if Bear contacted him or if some mod/admin here pointed out the violation to Jack or if Jack just decided to use something else.

Now, the picture I posted of Jack was taken off a non-copyright sight where Jack apparently posted the pic himself. Somewhere around here is a post about such things being fair game.

You are both acting like a sad couple in the midst of a divorce. You both need to grow up.

The fact that the hangers on are decades younger make this even more sadder. The only one who is coming out of this smelling of roses is The Saint, because he's earned some greenbacks out of it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yeah but my dick still itches.


How difficult is it for two people to switch their PCs off and do something more constructive, even if it is just masturbation and nothing else?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I like toothpaste, personally.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Try it sometime, you'll see what I mean :D