What does Max Clifford think about Peter Andre and Jordan splitting up?


I want to smell dark matter
He must have an opinion!


Is this real life?
And a new bathroom when they get back together again.


Boobie inspector
Which they will have to do when their kid gets so ill only a transfusion from daddy will save him, and another biography from mummy


I want to smell dark matter
Peter Andre should return to Neighbours.

(Was he ever in it/)


Can I have Ops?
That man is satan I tell you.

peter Andre is yet another soul whose egg he is eating from long fingernails


I want to smell dark matter
BDM should be happy Jordan's single.


I want to smell dark matter

"If I was looking after Jordan I'd tell her to throw herself into work for other people, using her profile to make TV shows that help others. Get a cause, be liked.

"The best thing Jordan could do would be to study Jade Goody, who turned her image around overnight - Jade's death was the next thing to Princess Diana's.

You couldn't make it up!


Is this real life?
Er, she turned her image around overnight by being dead the next morning!


I want to smell dark matter
Well Jordan, you know what to do...