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What Hurley's Numbers Mean (no kidding!)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
The numbers are a mathematical equation that reveals the precise date of humanity's extinction. In the wake of the Cuban Missle Crisis of 1962, Alvar Hanso used the considerable resources of his Hanso Foundation to assist the United States and the Soviet Union and the United Nations to create a secret project.

The Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications, otherwise known as The DHARMA Initiative. Gerald and Karen DeGroot were co-founders of Dharma.

They basically set up a think-tank of the world's greatest minds to examine whether or not the CMC was indicative of humanity's desire to exterminate itself. Apparently, they came up with the "Valenzetti Equation". Enzo Valenzetti came up with an equation that precisely predicted humanity's extinction, and he represented the equation with the following numbers : 4 8 15 16 23 42. The United Nations, United States, and the Soviet Union quickly buried the equation.

Recently Rachel Blake has obtained copies of the original Dharma Initiative orientation tape from 1975. She's scattered bits of it throughout the web in 75 random pieces. Good luck finding them!

So that's what the numbers refer to, but no one can figure out the date from the equation.
I'll throw you a bone, but you really should find the rest on your own, it's cooler that way!

Note the author is "Gary Troup" Gary Troup was on Oceanic Flight 815, Sawyer was reading his manuscript, there's a book you can order called "Bad Twin", and Gary Troup is an anagram for...PURGATORY.

That's it, I've said too much! They might be on to me...should have used a proxy, dammit!!
The thing about the 1960's predictions--and there were a ton of those made by very smart people--is that not very many of them came true. For example, it was predicted that in the year 2000 every household would have a personal robot to do menial house work for them. That didn't come true.

The cell phone revolution was not predicted.

The internet revolution was not predicted.

And so on....

Therefore, it is doubtful that any single equation can predict the end of humanity, given the many complexities and variables involved--none of which are under the total control of any one individual.
Apparently, this is all related to the fictional TV series "LOST". Since I don't watch television, I am unaware of that TV series. Nor am I interested in it.

I thought this was a serious topic for a moment, there. I regret to inform you all that I must now respectfully bow out of it.

Thank you.
Because no one will ever read it anywhere else.

If anyone could come up with an algorithm predicting the exact date of humanity's extinction, it's Enzo Valenzetti. I mean, he was the only person to ever prove Fermat's last theorem...which he promptly burned after showing several colleagues.
That's all very interesting but it doesn't explain the other mystical qualities of the numbers. Like why did it cause Hurley to win the lottery and then have all that bad luck?
Grammour Boy said:
And this topic is in the Mine Field, why?

Because the Mine field is it's own community and there is no reason why serious topics cannot be discussed here. It is the most versatile forum - among other things - on the board.
Cassie said:
That's all very interesting but it doesn't explain the other mystical qualities of the numbers. Like why did it cause Hurley to win the lottery and then have all that bad luck?

There are theories that the DHARMA initiative "encoded" the numbers with some sort of electromagnetic energy, which got sent out into the world just prior to everyone boarding Oceanic Flight 815. It's still sketchy, but some people have deduced that the DHARMA Initiative, under Alvar Hanso, decided to try and "harmonize" everyone in the world to get us from our unharmonious state. However, Alvar Hanso has not been seen in quite some time, And the new director of The Hanso Foundation, Dr. Thomas Werner Mittelwerk has less-than-noble goals. The Others are secretly fighting to preserve Alvar Hanso's ideals.

The island exists in it's own harmonic frequency. When Desmond failed to push the button last time, the electromagnetic energy it unleashed "tuned" the passengers (and, indeed, the plane and all its contents) to the same harmonic frequency of the island. Locke and Rose were healed, and Jin was no longer infertile, because they existed in a harmonious state outside of physical laws.

Indeed, when we first see the interior of the hatch, in S2 episode 1, the song Desmond is playing is Mama Cass' "Make Your Own Kind of Music" which features the lyrics:

Make your own kind of music/ Make your own special song/ Make your own kind of music/ Even if they don't sing along....'' In fsct, the same song is playing during the very last scene of S2, albeit in Russian.

Harmony. Making music together. The Dharma Initiative is trying to get the world to live in "harmony" again, and the Island is a "Garden of Eden", complete with wonders and temptations alike.

If all of this is part of the show's "canon" then it should be included in episodes so that people who don't have time to do all the internet stuff can know about it. IMMMMMMMMHOOO.
^^It won't be. There's way too much out there. It might be alluded to, it might be "revealed" at the end of the 5-year run, but JJ and Carlton have said that TLE (The Lost Experience) won't be integrated into the show anytime soon.

So basically, all the good stuff happens over the summer on the web, and Season 3 will again move at a glacial pace.
Well that's stupid sin't it djlasgh they should release a companion book with DETAILED SCALE MAPS of the island and all the experience and mythology stuff and pictures of Claire's feet.
I agree with everything above, but I would amend it to say, " of Claire's, Kate's, Jin's, and Anna Lucia's feet." :)
ERRRRR! I meant SUN, of course. Men's feet are fucking DISGUSTING. Women's feet are amazing and beautiful. Most women, anyway. Some women do have fugly feet, it's true.