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What Hurley's Numbers Mean (no kidding!)

They should recast her with a different asian actress in season 3 and just say that "the island made her hotter."
Some more interesting tidbits:

-Charles Widmore is owner/CEO of Widmore construction, and father of Penelope Widmore, a/k/a Desmond's fiancee. We know that Penelope is still looking for Desmond. Alvar Hanso served on the board of directors of Widmore Construction before being replaced by...Dr. Thomas Werner Mittelwerk. It has been speculated that Widmore Construction built the hatches for The Hanso Foundation/DHARMA Initiative, and may be responsible for delivering the food/supplies. Did Widmore replace Alvar Haso so he could exploit DHARMA's findings?

-Alvar Hanso was last seen in 2002, however he is still presumed alive, though he would be 112 years old. Hanso bought every copy of Gary Troup's book, The Valenzetti Equation, as well as rights to all reprints. There are no plans to reprint the book.

-When taken together, the egyptian symbols seen on the "map" Lock discovered on the hatch door, they mean "underworld" in ancient Egytptian.
Great stuff. LOST is the only show I'm truly committed to.

BDM, where are you finding all this stuff? Is it all on one or two websites or are you doing your own research, as well?
Big Dick McGee said:
I'll throw you a bone, but you really should find the rest on your own, it's cooler that way!

Note the author is "Gary Troup" Gary Troup was on Oceanic Flight 815, Sawyer was reading his manuscript, there's a book you can order called "Bad Twin", and Gary Troup is an anagram for...PURGATORY.

That's it, I've said too much! They might be on to me...should have used a proxy, dammit!!

This is bugging me right the fuck out. Is there some way "in", or is that it?
obsidian said:
Great stuff. LOST is the only show I'm truly committed to.

BDM, where are you finding all this stuff? Is it all on one or two websites or are you doing your own research, as well?

Most of it I've found on my own, whilst bored as fuck at work. The best place to start is but you sorta have to pick things up here and there and google the hell out of everything! It's one of the more fun online experiences that tie into a major commercial entity.
I abstain from watching the show while it's in its season's run. I wait until all episodes are released, download all of them, and watch them nonstop. I'm so addicted to this show that if I have to wait from week to week to find out what happens next, people will die.

I've also done quite a bit of research into the show and the DHARMA initiative.

Hint: Download the official podcasts (this is HUGE), watch the dvd's with commentary (even on the first season they give GIGANTIC insights into the show's direction and sub plots), and read ALL fansites two times (two times because you'll miss shit the first time around).
And then in the season finale he's living with some Mexicans in a cave or some shit and a helicopter blows him up...for some reason.
However, he's NOT responsible for the inability of the Cubs to get to the World Series. They just suck without his help.