Big Dick McGee
If you don't know, now ya know
Nah, she's not, certainly Lucy Lui is much hotter, and Grace Park is the even hotter than her.
Big Dick McGee said:I'll throw you a bone, but you really should find the rest on your own, it's cooler that way!
Note the author is "Gary Troup" Gary Troup was on Oceanic Flight 815, Sawyer was reading his manuscript, there's a book you can order called "Bad Twin", and Gary Troup is an anagram for...PURGATORY.
That's it, I've said too much! They might be on to me...should have used a proxy, dammit!!
obsidian said:Great stuff. LOST is the only show I'm truly committed to.
BDM, where are you finding all this stuff? Is it all on one or two websites or are you doing your own research, as well?