What pets did you have growing up?

Budgies/parakeets, hedgehogs, cats, dogs, rabbits. My sister had a turtle and my father had pet chickens.

Also goldfish and newts, but they never lasted long.
Tons of dogs, a couple of cats until Mom figured out I was allergic to them. And even then, there's pictures of me holding our kitten Izzy (who went insane from leukemia) and you can see the dark allergy circles under my eyes. CPS!!!
We had a very fat rabbit and a gerbil. We thought they had separate compartments in the hutch.

One morning we got up and found a dead gerbil. We then realised that there was a gap above the two compartments and the rabbit had jumped over in the night and squashed the gerbil.

It was very upsetting.

But a life lesson was learned.

Even a sexy duck?