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The built-in still not completed. The only thing stopping me from smashing it with a sledgehammer is the fact I'd have to repair or rebuild it. Still, almost done, fiddly bits left like making doors fit right and such.
All of this is from wiki. Pretty much we're both right, depending on if you believe the cartoon or the comic more.

The various iterations of the G.I. Joe story presented in different media throughout the years have romantically paired Scarlett with two different characters - Duke and Snake Eyes. These originate with the two original pieces of G.I. Joe fiction: the Marvel comic book series, which paired Scarlett with Snake Eyes, and the Sunbow cartoon series, which saw her involved with Duke.
The revival of the G.I. Joe comic book in the 21st Century by Image and Devil's Due Publishing is set in the same continuity as the Marvel series, and such, Scarlett remains paired with Snake Eyes in those titles. In various "alternate reality" comic books, such as G.I. Joe Reloaded, Snake Eyes is not a member of G.I. Joe but is seen to pine after Scarlett from afar, while in others, like the numerous crossovers with the Transformers property, Scarlett and Snake Eyes also wind up becoming a couple in the course of the story. In G.I. Joe: Sigma 6, Snake Eyes goes out of his way to save Scarlett and put her out of harm's way before moving on to complete his mission.[12]
In the G.I. Joe: Resolute series, it is indicated that Scarlett has had romantic partnerships in the past with both Duke and Snake Eyes, and in the course of the storyline, ultimately decides to be with Duke.
Promotional material and file cards, including Scarlett's, during the Spy Troops and Valor Vs Venom series, state that Scarlett is involved with Snake Eyes. While the original cartoon series implies a romantic involvement between her and Duke.
In the Rise of Cobra film, she views Snake Eyes as a brother-like figure, though crew members and others have hinted at Snake Eyes being interested in more. She is shown to succumb, to a minor extent, to Ripcord's advances. The crew and Ray Park, Snake Eyes' actor, hint and speculate at a love triangle in possible sequels.

While she bested most of the team's members, she recognized that Snake Eyes was a superior fighter despite the fact that he had allowed her to beat him, allowing her to keep her dignity and respect with the other Joes. Scarlett was intrigued by his actions, and as a result, they became very close... and Snake Eyes stayed behind to save his lover.

Tunnel Rat seems to have a crush on her (which is based on nothing from the comic book) after a mission they were on and after TR tried on cologne that was supposed to attract women but failed after he was covered in a rash. Scarlett also appears to have a rougher edge to her as she explained she hasn't worn a dress since senior prom. In the final episode of Season 1, we see hints of a Snake Eyes and Scarlett relationship when Snake Eyes risks his life to save Scarlett. After season 1, TR is no longer seen being around Scarlett much, and for a while she has to defend advances from Firefly during the beginning of season 2.