Troll Kingdom

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What was the biggest greatest scandal, leak, troll in the history of trollkingdom?

Yeah, I would have to say the BR threads are a biggie.

Did X-Box Boy really shut down Slipstream because the BR was hacked? Heh.
Well pretty much the entire membership revolted too so I'm sure that helped with the decision.

I must just be to much of an old troll because all the relatively recent things that are being mentioned seem like nothing to me.
Did X-Box Boy really

That reminds me, what about the time TK exposed the fact that while Chris was begging Trekbbs members for donations (preaching the end of the board due to money) he was out buying an XBox, games, and a DVD collection ! Still no definitive word on if he used the donation money for that although estimates at the time still say the ads were still completely paying the Trekbbs bills.
RW deleting the ezboard.
Sardy deleting all of his own posts then Paras account.
The "leaked" mods forum that cause Slipstream to shut down.
The "leaked" chat that caused the NZ natives to split off and form Word Forge.

I would say those are the top 4. Anyone can manufacture drama, but to significantly affect the content of an entire board is a biggie.


:::ahem::: I mean, it's cool and all to look at old photos, but what Mess did here (not to mention me, skinofevil and several others) has some place on such a list, not to mention what I did at Commie.

Thanks TQ.

That should be 'thanks TQ and Menty' thankyouverymuch. Masterminded and pulled off to perfection by the pair of us as it happens.

As good as it was I certainly wouldn't call it the biggest moment at TK. There is a lot of history and drama here to go through.

I would say the prolonged turmoil and battle (Pussies and Rebels) involving the running of the board under Hambil and Cait was one of the biggest moments and one that caused a paradigm shift in how the board was run.
Well pretty much the entire membership revolted too so I'm sure that helped with the decision.

I must just be to much of an old troll because all the relatively recent things that are being mentioned seem like nothing to me.

The biggest scandal of that incident was either Chris or Lisa (can't remember which) completely bad mouthing T'bonz behind her back. I've nothing against the woman, so I found it pretty harsh.
Was neither. Was a few of the Slipstream mods. Was weird too, because I was very low-profile over there.

One thing you learn about online, everyone talks behind your back. Can't let it bug you. And anyway, it's a boring person who has no enemies.
Was neither. Was a few of the Slipstream mods. Was weird too, because I was very low-profile over there.

One thing you learn about online, everyone talks behind your back. Can't let it bug you. And anyway, it's a boring person who has no enemies.

How big a shit storm was it back when the BR threads and chat logs about changing TNZ were leaked behind closed doors Bonzie?
I went looking for the original Shatna/Sadi drama thread (August 2006 -probably the first "IRL info" drama I witnessed here) but it appears to be gone.
also 'Missmanners refusing to restore Tardonica's posts' ;)

That couldnt be done, once they are removed, they are gone.

Noone's mentioned The leaking of the BR threads yet ?

And MM you can only pick one ! This isn't a top ten list, its the biggest moment EVER.

Then I would have to say the Leaking of the Slipstream OQ. Because there is a lot of behind the scenes that went on at that time with Executor and some of his contacts. (I've got a secret, I've got a secret...)

I'd also like to nominate that troll that brought in all those strippers as new members, because seriously I dare you to name even one other time a troll resulted in an influx of semi-hot women posting near nude pics of themselves.

Other things to consider....

The time I destroyed SlipstreamUnderground and locked out all the members.

Robl quitting TK to become a Trekbbs moderator. To this day, anytime I bring this up I get a PM from Robl demanding I stop.

I bet you didn't get a PM from RobL this time. ;)

No, not for many years now. He actually made it to one of the head admins before he quit because Christian wouldn't let him ban all the people he wanted too.

It was one of TK's early scandals, a really big one considering Robl ran TK by himself for the first year or so, then hopped out for a chance to be a Trekbbs moderator !

RobL did not run TK by himself for a year or so. Maybe a month or two (or three). TK was registered on June 17, 2001. I registered in October just in time to see the drama of Red kicking RobL off staff.

Br Threads are the Trekbbs Briefing Room Threads. Basically they're entire moderator only forum was hacked and reposted (a couple of times over the years actually), this was back before such things were common place and behind closed doors the Trekbbs staff didn't hold back what they thought about certain members. It basically put TK on the map as EVERYONE flocked to TK to see if they were mentioned in the threads. Several people who thought they were on their way to becoming mods were less than pleased to find out they were labeled as asskissers and suckups. It also had the negative drawback as finally putting TK on Chris's radar. The dutchboy was not happy.

The only thing better was when it happened again a few years later on SlipstreamBBS and Chris said "screw this, not again" and shut down the whole board.

I believe Starman leaked the first ones. After that Executor found ways to get them. Quite often as I recall.

What about that time the Marxist Christians got the FBI after us?

Lets forget that one, shall we?

The porn spam attacks at TBBS.

Classic. And, in hindsight, hysterical as all hell. :lol:

Do you know, I was cleaning out some old photo files and I found some "fat Lisa" porn! I think I also have the mIRC chatlogs from then. I really should transfer everything to an external drive and keep it in my safe.

How big a shit storm was it back when the BR threads and chat logs about changing TNZ were leaked behind closed doors Bonzie?

I think (if memory serves and often it doesn't)the big chat log came from the BR threads.

Pretty sure that the BR was given in one of two ways:
- insecure passwords (before people learned about the 'net and security)
- people who either gave passwords or gave access into their accounts for folks like Executor to see.

I remember when Executor was actively trying to get my password. Fortunately, I learned quickly to have a complex one. My one for TrekBBS is so long and complex that I can never memorize it.

I remember some of the backstairs stuff when I was still just a mod. Plenty of the higher ups had beefs with L and C as did many mods, so I'd be surprised if there weren't even more than I knew, although I heard plenty both openly and quietly. When Tamek changed the board, plenty of mods and admins watched it live. ;)

I had the excuse of being a mod when Tamek was admin so I couldn't have stopped it, but I'm honest enough to admit that I wouldn't have, at the time. That was my only "subversive" type thing, passively watching. :D Generally, if I was pissed at L or C, they knew it front and center. Whoo boy did they know it front and center.

At least 2 of the 4 admins were in on Tamek's departure gift, if not three. Been so long ago, I don't remember it all.

It used to be sad sometimes. Executor didn't have to hack in, there were plenty who would have easily thrown the site (and select people) under the bus. I've no doubt that there may be some on my own staff who do the same to me (I'm not naive enough to think I'm liked by all) but we try to keep the BR businesslike as much as possible. I learned from the asshole mods at Slipstream (only the ones who acted badly, which was not the entire mod staff. Some of the Slipstream mods were top-notch. Others should have got the boot.) about talking smack behind the back.

Besides, I prefer saying stuff front and center. Therefore:

Para, you're STILL a clueless asshole. And more often than not, you get the facts wrong.
I've no doubt that there may be some on my own staff who do the same to me (I'm not naive enough to think I'm liked by all) but we try to keep the BR businesslike as much as possible.
Hey I wouldn't mind setting up BR version 2.

Just throwing that out there to anyone reading, from any forum really.
I bet you didn't get a PM from RobL this time.

I didn't. I'm not in the loop these days though. Is Rob gone for good again or something ?

RobL did not run TK by himself for a year or so. Maybe a month or two (or three). TK was registered on June 17, 2001. I registered in October just in time to see the drama of Red kicking RobL off staff.

I guess you're right. Three months is exactly the amount of time I was gone during my absence then, I think. But despite Red being the one who created the forum Rob was always "in charge" from the start. He created the forums, assigned moderators, designed the layout of the board, when I had new images to upload or new javascript to add it always went to Rob. I guess Red still had the power to overrule Rob on anything he wanted. But it was Rob getting things done. In fact right before my 3 month (maybe longer) absence I know for a fact Sardy and Red had all but dissappeared. Rob and I were the only regular posters left and we couldn't pay people to post at TK. We wanted (well atleast I did, Rob was holding a grudge but still open to it) people from trektalk(which later became terranbbs) to join TK as well. I remember we wanted YuWanker to come over and a few others. They wouldn't do it. Rob and I had a serious talk about dumping TK and starting over on another ezboard people would be more open to. Rob agreed to start over but didn't shut TK down because he didn't want to scrap something he worked so hard on. So.... we worked on darkkingdom for awhile. A few people did come over Yu, etc - even RedWhacker came over under a dual I swore never to reveal ! (although who would even remember it if I outed it?) Anyway TK just sat there... virtually empty... until the BR leak! Until Missmanners joined! Until Rob betrayed TK! Then Bam! It was on.

So.... anyway.... If you add up all of Rob's early time I bet it comes out really close to a year atleast probably over 6 months.

I think (if memory serves and often it doesn't)the big chat log came from the BR threads.

Pretty sure that the BR was given in one of two ways:
- insecure passwords (before people learned about the 'net and security)
- people who either gave passwords or gave access into their accounts for folks like Executor to see.

I remember when Executor was actively trying to get my password. Fortunately, I learned quickly to have a complex one. My one for TrekBBS is so long and complex that I can never memorize it.

You know Executor never really gets the credit he deserves for that. What seems so simple now was freakin brilliant then.

For those who don't know, Executor gained access to the mod forum by guessing people's hotmail passwords. One of the mods (JTKirk?) had a hotmail secret question of "What was Captian Kirk's Starship?", Executor typed in 'enterprise' and had access to his email account. Once that was done he went back to Trekbbs and clicked the 'forgot my password' link for that mod. Once the password was sent back to the email account Executor had control of he simply went back to Trekbbs, logged in as the mod, and stole the entire mod forum.

I wonder if that would work again with all the newbie Trekbbs mods. Probably not.

It used to be sad sometimes. Executor didn't have to hack in, there were plenty who would have easily thrown the site (and select people) under the bus.

I'm sure that's how you remember it from your point of view, but it's just not true.

We had HUGE efforts to get mods to turn over br threads. Several people would work mods in different chat rooms for hours on end trying to get them to turn the smallest stuff over. It just didn't happen like that. It was a tough sell to begin with and most mods just didn't see anything in it for them. Sometimes Starman would put something out there, and Barcode might put one or two threads out. But the full exposure leaks were almost always coming in via TK members getting passwords (either by guessing them or talking mods into letting us "piggyback" on their account). I could be wrong about that. But I know moderators didn't turn easy, it took alot of WORK.

Para, you're STILL a clueless asshole. And more often than not, you get the facts wrong.

Really, which ones ?
I didn't. I'm not in the loop these days though. Is Rob gone for good again or something ?

yeah, he's not happy with me.

I guess you're right. Three months is exactly the amount of time I was gone during my absence then, I think. But despite Red being the one who created the forum Rob was always "in charge" from the start. He created the forums, assigned moderators, designed the layout of the board, when I had new images to upload or new javascript to add it always went to Rob. I guess Red still had the power to overrule Rob on anything he wanted. But it was Rob getting things done. In fact right before my 3 month (maybe longer) absence I know for a fact Sardy and Red had all but dissappeared. Rob and I were the only regular posters left and we couldn't pay people to post at TK. We wanted (well atleast I did, Rob was holding a grudge but still open to it) people from trektalk(which later became terranbbs) to join TK as well. I remember we wanted YuWanker to come over and a few others. They wouldn't do it. Rob and I had a serious talk about dumping TK and starting over on another ezboard people would be more open to. Rob agreed to start over but didn't shut TK down because he didn't want to scrap something he worked so hard on. So.... we worked on darkkingdom for awhile. A few people did come over Yu, etc - even RedWhacker came over under a dual I swore never to reveal ! (although who would even remember it if I outed it?) Anyway TK just sat there... virtually empty... until the BR leak! Until Missmanners joined! Until Rob betrayed TK! Then Bam! It was on.

So.... anyway.... If you add up all of Rob's early time I bet it comes out really close to a year atleast probably over 6 months.

I remember my sister and I invading Dark Kingdom and messing around in the moderators forum or something :D

I do remember the reason Sardy vanished in the fall of 2001 was because his son was born. I forget what Red had going on, possibly running from the law.

You know Executor never really gets the credit he deserves for that. What seems so simple now was freakin brilliant then.

For those who don't know, Executor gained access to the mod forum by guessing people's hotmail passwords. One of the mods (JTKirk?) had a hotmail secret question of "What was Captian Kirk's Starship?", Executor typed in 'enterprise' and had access to his email account. Once that was done he went back to Trekbbs and clicked the 'forgot my password' link for that mod. Once the password was sent back to the email account Executor had control of he simply went back to Trekbbs, logged in as the mod, and stole the entire mod forum.

That was BobbyT that did that, when he and Decker and Barcode.... er.... wasn't that the beginning of the great troll bannings?

I wonder if that would work again with all the newbie Trekbbs mods. Probably not.

I'm sure that's how you remember it from your point of view, but it's just not true.

We had HUGE efforts to get mods to turn over br threads. Several people would work mods in different chat rooms for hours on end trying to get them to turn the smallest stuff over. It just didn't happen like that. It was a tough sell to begin with and most mods just didn't see anything in it for them. Sometimes Starman would put something out there, and Barcode might put one or two threads out. But the full exposure leaks were almost always coming in via TK members getting passwords (either by guessing them or talking mods into letting us "piggyback" on their account). I could be wrong about that. But I know moderators didn't turn easy, it took alot of WORK.

No kidding, Ex was even offering money at one time. I think I have those logs as well.

I remember my sister and I invading Dark Kingdom and messing around in the moderators forum or something

You know to this day I have no idea why Rob gave you so much access. He was usually kind of guarded but I came back and suddenly this mismanners person is everywhere.

I do remember the reason Sardy vanished in the fall of 2001 was because his son was born. I forget what Red had going on, possibly running from the law.

I don't believe in fate but it was a wierd aligning of the stars that just happen to bring everyone back to that bbs at that moment in time.
That was BobbyT that did that, when he and Decker and Barcode.... er.... wasn't that the beginning of the great troll bannings?

It was Lord Garth's account...I remember angrily complaining to Lisa that my friends had been banned for "no reason"...then five minutes later Bobby told me they'd hacked Garth's account.

Wasn't that Morn The Lorian guy banned for calling Susannah "Zuzu" and that kicked off the mass bannings around that time? The details are fuzzy now. Maybe we really should quit living in the past.
Maybe we really should quit living in the past.

Its not living in the past to flip through the old photo book now and again.

Wasn't that Morn The Lorian guy banned for calling Susannah "Zuzu" and that kicked off the mass bannings around that time?

Classic. What was the name they had for Neroon again ?

I wonder if people get banned for giving the mods nicknames now ?