Troll Kingdom

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What's it like to be [you]

Lou The Beagle said:
How is there a thread about me three days before I registered? LOL!

That's amazing isnt it? We knew you were coming, so we baked a cake :)

SaintLucifer said:
How does one 'own' another individual within a specific thread? Whatever you may feel it to mean you are proud of 'owning' me? On a site called Troll Kingdom?? Please do not tell me how you speak to mommy and daddy about how you 'owned' someone whilst you were online visiting a silly site. If 'owning' me boosts your self-confidence then I am all for it. Hoorah! Does this please you? I surely hope so for if one brags about 'owning' another on a ridiculous site there is no doubt the one requires psychiatric aid. Does the bedroom you live in at mommy and daddy's basement include padded walls? If not I would suggest to your poor parents they install such immediately.

Too long, didn't read.
jack said:
That's amazing isnt it? We knew you were coming, so we baked a cake :)

Too long, didn't read.

Strange that one quotes a passage one never read. This is what we call 'redundant'. No doubt this JACK twit is exactly that, redundant as he posts with no purpose whatsoever. Why quote something you do not wish to respond to? Is this the limit to your so-called intellect? As for the remark about cake, surely mommy and daddy promised you one for your 18th birthday yes? I should like to point out discussion with an individual of such clear youth is also redundant so I take my leave of you. No doubt I became bored and wasted my time with such a child.
Tasvir81 said:



I am clearly aware of that you silly little she-male. I merely stated that someone used my own moniker long before I arrived here. Probably this 'JACK' person everyone despises so much. Who cares anyway? I am too far above you for you to matter one iota.
SaintLucifer said:
I am clearly aware of that you silly little she-male. I merely stated that someone used my own moniker long before I arrived here. Probably this 'JACK' person everyone despises so much. Who cares anyway? I am too far above you for you to matter one iota.



Why do people who wish to appear smart always throw words like "whilst" into their replies? It's a dead giveaway that your entire experience with formal speech came from the word balloons of one Alfred J Pennyworth, and that your dry, British-sounding affectations are the result of that sweet Blackadder DVD set you got at Walmart last year...
Donovan said:
Why do people who wish to appear smart always throw words like "whilst" into their replies? It's a dead giveaway that your entire experience with formal speech came from the word balloons of one Alfred J Pennyworth, and that your dry, British-sounding affectations are the result of that sweet Blackadder DVD set you got at Walmart last year...

Correct usage of English denotes the wish of an individual to appear 'smart'?? Alas once again the dumbing-down of society progresses. We live in a world where individuals now utter the word 'like' every two seconds. We live in a world where it is considered cool to be incapable of speaking proper English as those wonderful black people seem to be so proud of doing. No doubt you like to address your familiars as 'dude' or 'dudette'. I have used the word 'whilst' since I was but a wee lad. Please view my avatar. Do you not recognise the colours behind my moniker? I did not thing you would. You would thus understand my 'British-sounding affectations' to be my true way of speaking. Mommy and daddy were born in Great Britain. I was born in Canada. That makes me a British-Canadian hence I speak my native tongue. Just because you are American does not give you the priviliege of slandering me over my use of a language created by my own people. Remember, those who left the motherland for the American Colonies were illiterate whilst (yes 'whilst') those who emigrated to Canada from the Empire were fully-literate. This is why Canada, although officially a much-younger nation, actually not only compares with your 'mighty' USA but it is clearly superior. True we have some nutcases who attempt to experiment with socialism here in Canada but one must remember socialism was an ideology exported to Canada from the USA. Socialism was never even heard of in Canada before some Americans decided to emigrate to my country bringing along with them their brand of socialism (do everything for me so I may sit down and do nothing) which came close to destroying my country. I would prefer you Americans keep your silly socialist tendencies away from Canada. This could be done by simply refusing to cross our shared border.
If I wish to speak my language as it was meant to be spoken I shall do so. If you are so very proud of being an illiterate then please continue living that way. May you continue spelling 'doughnut' as 'donut', clearly erroneous. Are you Americans even capable of understanding WHY you changed the spelling as above? Money. You did it to save money. In the early days printing was priced based on the number of characters to be fitted within a specific page. Your solution was simply to shorten words. With Americans it is and always has been about money. We Britons do not care for such irrelevancies when it comes to our language. We are proud of our language and continue to be. Remember, American-English is still English but a bastardised version of it. Odd that you would attack the language of the nation which built yours.
SaintLucifer said:
Correct usage of English denotes the wish of an individual to appear 'smart'?? Alas once again the dumbing-down of society progresses. We live in a world where individuals now utter the word 'like' every two seconds. We live in a world where it is considered cool to be incapable of speaking proper English as those wonderful black people seem to be so proud of doing. No doubt you like to address your familiars as 'dude' or 'dudette'. I have used the word 'whilst' since I was but a wee lad. Please view my avatar. Do you not recognise the colours behind my moniker? I did not thing you would. You would thus understand my 'British-sounding affectations' to be my true way of speaking. Mommy and daddy were born in Great Britain. I was born in Canada. That makes me a British-Canadian hence I speak my native tongue. Just because you are American does not give you the priviliege of slandering me over my use of a language created by my own people. Remember, those who left the motherland for the American Colonies were illiterate whilst (yes 'whilst') those who emigrated to Canada from the Empire were fully-literate. This is why Canada, although officially a much-younger nation, actually not only compares with your 'mighty' USA but it is clearly superior. True we have some nutcases who attempt to experiment with socialism here in Canada but one must remember socialism was an ideology exported to Canada from the USA. Socialism was never even heard of in Canada before some Americans decided to emigrate to my country bringing along with them their brand of socialism (do everything for me so I may sit down and do nothing) which came close to destroying my country. I would prefer you Americans keep your silly socialist tendencies away from Canada. This could be done by simply refusing to cross our shared border.
If I wish to speak my language as it was meant to be spoken I shall do so. If you are so very proud of being an illiterate then please continue living that way. May you continue spelling 'doughnut' as 'donut', clearly erroneous. Are you Americans even capable of understanding WHY you changed the spelling as above? Money. You did it to save money. In the early days printing was priced based on the number of characters to be fitted within a specific page. Your solution was simply to shorten words. With Americans it is and always has been about money. We Britons do not care for such irrelevancies when it comes to our language. We are proud of our language and continue to be. Remember, American-English is still English but a bastardised version of it. Odd that you would attack the language of the nation which built yours.

How do you say "pwned" in British?

News flash for you, Sister Kissyfur:

English as you claim to know it is a bastardization of at least six different languages, including languages of Roman and Germanic origin. The Angles, the Saxons, the Vikings, the Celts, the Romans and various other early peoples all shit into a dictionary, and what came out was your esteemed and holy Word of Brittania. This is why English proper is one of the most difficult languages to completely grasp, and why there are seemingly contradictory spelling, grammatical and contextual rules in play. As a country your poofter ancestors was responsible for two things: Bubonic Plague and most of the programming on the History Channel.

Not sure if that was redundant, actually.

Second newsflash: Using "whilst" and "Thus" doesn't make you smart, any more than using "like" makes you stupid. Language is a fluid and everchanging medium, which becomes something new with every generation. Do you know what Shakespeare would say to you if he were alive today?

Of course you don't. The guy spoke Middle English, you wouldn't understand a fucking word of it. It'd probably be something like, "Please kill me, I'm six hundred fucking years old and I am not yet dead." But I digress.

So there's your english lesson for the day, San Luis Obispo. Fro m a Yankee bastard who speaks dang fine Merkin. You know Merkin, right? It's English with a smart bomb shoved up your Pommy ass...
PS. You DO understand that your signature quote was meant to be read ironically, as Satan really had no choice in his state of existance, having been cast out of heaven. He was attempting to claim some sort of moral victory despite having been defeated and humiliated by God's legions. His statement, "Better to rule in Hell than Serve in Heaven," was a bitter plea from a vanquished enemy who wasn't going to ever be given the chance to "serve in Heaven" again, and knew it.

Basically, your rallying cry is one of abject despair disguised as indifference. Nice pick, Jeeves.
That's really why the "ever man" typo was kind of funny. Probably the only time he didn't cut and paste to post
Donovan said:
PS. You DO understand that your signature quote was meant to be read ironically, as Satan really had no choice in his state of existance, having been cast out of heaven. He was attempting to claim some sort of moral victory despite having been defeated and humiliated by God's legions. His statement, "Better to rule in Hell than Serve in Heaven," was a bitter plea from a vanquished enemy who wasn't going to ever be given the chance to "serve in Heaven" again, and knew it.

Basically, your rallying cry is one of abject despair disguised as indifference. Nice pick, Jeeves.

Damn but you are stupid. The quote is not from Lucifer but from John Milton's 'Paradise Lost' you fucking moron. Do you Americans not learn anything down there? Shit. I am aghast at the lack of quality education you wannabe imperialists receive. It is now quite easy to understand how my British forebears were able to conquer the entire planet in order to construct the largest Empire the world has ever seen or will ever see and your mighty country could not. You fail because you are stupid. We succeeded because we Anglo-Saxons are the greatest race ever to roam this planet.

Of course Lucifer had no choice in his 'state of existence'. He was alone against a GOD and his legions. Now I ask you to look around you at this world and tell me who REALLY is today's God? If you believe in Rome's God then you are an even greater idiot than I first suspect you to be. You would follow a complete hypocrite like your God? The very same being who tells you if you refuse to believe in him he would thus cast you into the fiery flames of Hell? You go on worshipping your beloved God. I am on my lord Lucifer's side. He shall emerge victorious. Look at current events. Lucifer's legions consist of the Muslims who fail to understand the Qu'ran is really the devil's Bible. You see? My lord Lucifer was forced to seek out a race of humanity dumb enough to follow him without realising they were doing so. He wanted a race dumb enough to believe suicide would grant them a place in Heaven with 72 virginal brides. He wanted a race too stupid to discover the paradox regarding said suicide whereas they kill themselves in the name of Jihad but forget suicide is an evil act in itself and thereby prevents them from reaching Heaven and meeting thos 72 virginal Islamic whores. He found them and called them Arabs.

Now I would suggest you read a book. Lucifer uttered 'Better to rule in Hell..' indeed. Incredible. I cannot believe such stupidity exists in this world. Wait. Yes I can. I just continue to be amazed at the sheer numbers involved.
You're kind of like a Joseph and his Amazing Racist Technicolor Dreamcoat, only with a drool cup.
jack said:
You're kind of like a Joseph and his Amazing Racist Technicolor Dreamcoat, only with a drool cup.

Racism? What does this have to do with anything? Is 'racism' everyone's rallying cry? Racism is merely bullshit brought up by the lesser races to make themselves feel better about their station in society.