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What's so BAD about these Badlands?

I sure hope she has a clit. Life without a clit for a female would be most unsatisfactory.
I know. I'd like to shoot every last arsehole that has performed female circumcision right between the eyes but not before cutting off the head their cock and spitting the shaft in twain, just so they can have a taste of what they did. The age for females to get circumcised in those countries is usually from eight to twelve. Cowardly douchebags.
Indeed. BUT, it's a part of their religion too...

If iot were such an easy situation to solve, it'd be solved by now.

So what? I personally don't believe human rights are negotiable. I also don't believe in cultural relativism. If something is a violation of human rights, or an impingement upon life or property, who gives two shits what their reasoning is? Female genital mutilation is wrong. I don't give a fuck what excuse they use.
And look at what we (as white americans) did to black, oriental, and tribal people less than two hundred years ago. Less than 50 years ago, in some cases.

What right have we to judge?

Keep in mind: I'm not defending the practice. I find it sick and odius.

It jsut seems with so many Trek fans about, one might adhere to the spirit of the prime directive...
And look at what we (as white americans) did to black, oriental, and tribal people less than two hundred years ago. Less than 50 years ago, in some cases.

What right have we to judge?

Keep in mind: I'm not defending the practice. I find it sick and odius.

It jsut seems with so many Trek fans about, one might adhere to the spirit of the prime directive...

I never said that wasn't wrong, and things past generations of Americans did doesn't serve as an excuse for people in other places who still practice those things. Also, as I have done none of those things, so yes, I DO feel it's my place to judge. I don't believe in communal or ancestral guilt. I am responsible for MY actions, and MINE alone. Not those of people in the past, thus I am free to judge the actions of those who commit acts I find despicable.
It might do more harm than good to try and interefere with another culture.

At least, we as AMERICA. The rest of the world sees us as overbearing bullies as it is.
I have a great deal of respect for other countries. However, I'm not going to pretend that gross human rights violations are OK simply because they are part of a foreign culture. Things like treating women like dogs, cutting off a girl's clit, stoning people, or dismembering people are never OK. Hiding behind culture and religion does make it so. Making excuses for such behavior because you don't want to rock the boat or be called a name, isn't tolerance. It's moral cowardice.