Yeah, like the Government-provided health care really works well. Go down to a VA hospital and see how good those docs really are. Hell, most doctors who work for the government weren't good enough to get real jobs as private practice doctors, so they went somewhere that can't refuse cheap labor.
Also, if the government wanted to help the private medical sector, they'd stop making it mandatory to have malpractice insurance. HOLY HELL. That's like saying, we know you're gonna screw up, and that's ok, but we just want to make sure you can pay-out to families when you DO screw up. What kind of fucked up logic is that!?
In my opinion, if a doctor transplants a white guy's hand onto a black guy's leg, then he doesn't deserve to be a doctor any more. He should go become a botanist. At least then, splicing is ok.
And fuck those insurance companies who know that they now have a monopoly for hiking-up their rates.
You want better health care. Get the government out of it.
Also, if you want better roads, let the FREE MARKET pay for it.
The PA turnpike was recently turned back over to the private sector because the state couldn't handle the finances and the roads were becoming more and more horrible. Ever since the turnover last year, the turnpike has stayed the same price and the roads have improved.
If you want to knock privatization, do your research first.