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What's your first EVER memory?

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I can remember being in my cot/crib and standing up and blowing saliva bubbles...i think. must have been 2 years old or something
My first memory was seeing a vagina from the inside. I've never seen vagina from that vantage point since. Since that first memory, I've stared point blank at many all the time but never from the inside.
I woke up. the year was 1957. I could see Tuxedo Pig and all my dolls standing on my bureau. Then i went to the nursery to play.
No, I did not.

Your first memory doesn't surprise me, either. It's natural to always long for what you can no longer have...
What is that which I long for, my dear psychoanalyst? Please tell us.

(I wasn't aware psychoanalysis can now be practiced on a message board over the internet. My! we have come a long way!)
The Question said:
Every now and then, a little variety is just the thing to reinvigorate the old TK persona. Plus, I just felt like bein' weird. :D

Who says J.R. isn't sexy? ;)

My earliest memory I think was my brother taking me out of my crib, I was probably 2 and he was almost 4 and he set me down and let me crawl into my parent's bedroom. I also remember being in my walker and I clearly remember my first day of nursery school when I was 3. earliest memory was when I was five months old and my mom singging to me while trying to get me to sleep...The next one after that would be when I was playing with all my mom's high heeils when I was about two years old.

Even back then, I was a shoe type of girl ;)
In one of my earliest memories I was lying in my crib, observing the Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder container on the dresser while waiting patiently for my mother to come and retrieve me after my nap. She said I was a strange baby, who never cried much, but seemed to take a great deal of interest in watching the world and its inhabitants with quiet intensity. Oh well, some things never change.
I have a handful of memories that I know must have been before the age of 5 because they were in Texas (where I was born; we moved when I was 5). I'm not sure which happened before the other.

One was in winter. It had snowed, and my dad took me outside on his shoulders and showed me an icicle hanging from our roof. I'd never seen one before.

Another one: I don't know if I was in daycare or at vacation bible school, or what, but this one was at our church. Some lady was teaching a bunch of us kids about communion, and we got to take the crackers and grape juice just like the grown-ups did. It was very solemn.

Another: Mom driving me to my babysitter's house (a woman who looked after me along with her own kids). The babysitter had the audacity to expect me to dress myself, which was Very Upsetting as no one had ever taught me how. When I explained this to her, she insisted that I dress myself anyway. How rude! :lol:

There are a couple more, but I won't bore you all with them. :)