When You Stop Talking

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
When you stop talking I can open my eyes and unclench my buttocks.


I just hear more voices. I talk to drown them out.

Now that I've fell silent the screams for death, and chaos begin again.


on a break from forums


on a break from forums
depends what you're high on...

come on, it's Towlie and a guy with "hummus" in his username, I think weed is the pretty obvious drug of choice!!!


Let's fuck some shit up
Massive consumption of dextrometh is what causes the tripping. I'd really not recommend taking the pill form. That might fuck you up.


Sinless and Purrfect
I used to love popping like 40-60 Triple Cs, if you know what those are. They fucked up the formula for those, too. The bastards.