Troll Kingdom

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Where did Acrimonious go??

If thats the worst thing I have done...............well...................I guess I am pretty bad. Perhaps someone should press criminal charges against me.
Mentalist said:
She is god to honest crazy. As in totally and utterly lost the plot.
huh? is that you TQ?

oh wait.........

The Saint?

*rolls eyes*

He is the only person I was able to convince of my total craziness with the exception of Vinyl_Girl. I think she might be his girlfriend that he is going to marry.
Mentalist said:
She's the resident loony bin material (for real)

I need to be committed to an Insane Asylum. Do you think you could pull some strings and git me back into AsylumNation?? You know wonderass don't you?
Mentalist said:
We've tried to get her back to the doctors to get on some stronger meds but she doesn't seem to listen.

See.............this is the problem MentalCase...............I haven't been on my meds for years!! I don't have a prescription drug plan! Nope..............I don't even have health insurance. You think you could pull some strings with your friends? all your cyber-buddies who are "in-the-know"