Where is Bush?


President Bush needs to speak out against the spiraling violence in the Middle East. Israel and Lebanon are on the verge of war. Most likely Syria, Iran and other Arab countries will join in. Our troops are in the middle of it all, and it will be nearly impossible to stay out of it. Or alies will also join in.

This is where it gets dangerous. You see, Russia and China are growing economies that are heavily oil dependant. They know the Arab world can't win a war against the Western Block countries. That leaves the prospect of the majority of the worlds oil supply in the hands of Western Block countries. Despite the end of the cold war, they still aren't going to like that idea.

This has real potentional of getting very serious. Whatever my feelings are about Bush, I hope he steps up like presidents of the past and calms this down sooner rather than later.
Why? Gas prices are going to soar. They're already predicting 4 bucks a gallon within weeks.

Them's gonna be some RICH boys out there!
Sarek said:
Why? Gas prices are going to soar. They're already predicting 4 bucks a gallon within weeks.

Them's gonna be some RICH boys out there!
True, but, when Americans are sitting in ration lines at gas stations like in 79, the Republicans chances of getting re-elected are nil.
Bush and Dick are making shit-loads of money right now as they have a lot of interest in money. Times are great for them. He doesn't care. Only 2 more years until he finally gets out of office.
Sarek said:
Why? Gas prices are going to soar. They're already predicting 4 bucks a gallon within weeks.

Them's gonna be some RICH boys out there!

*sigh* just what I need to hear..... I buy a tankfull a day when I'm working, that really cuts into my profits.

The stupid ragheads should not have fucked with Israel...

They have asked for what is coming their way and it won't be pretty. They never seem to learn.
They haven't learned it in over 2,000 years. They will never learn. No matter what anyone in the world says, they will ignore it and fight to the death. It's all they know. Hate, kill, and the occaisional torture to break the monotony.
Pretty much exactly right A karas...

That's why they're still living as a whole like it was 2000 years ago. With all that hate and killing who has the time to improve the infrastructure?

America rises to be the premier nation in just over 200 years of existance and the biggest advance the ragheads come up with is strapping explosives under their dresses in over 2000...

Fucking under achievers. ;)
Oh, they are master bomb makers, aren't they. Very creative in finding new uses for nails and other sharp objects to them too. Their homes may be in shambes, but they got their AK-47's and plenty of ammo! Yes, they are fuckin' under achievers.
HeroicFool said:

The UN needs to go off in the corner somewhere and die.

Yes, especially after trying (but thankfully failing) to get the US to strike the 2nd Amendment, and everyone would have to surrender their guns. Fuck them!
HeroicFool said:
The stupid ragheads should not have fucked with Israel...

They have asked for what is coming their way and it won't be pretty. They never seem to learn.

Yeah, they sure asked for it, y'know by inhabiting the "Holy Lands" for 2,000 years before the Jews got there. What were those ragheads thinking?

Israel is just as uncivilized as the Arabs, they just hide behind a veneer of modernity.
LOL your history needs a little work.

That land has been held by the big three religions on a rotating basis for over 2000 years.

Christians, Jews and Arabs have all soaked that sand with their blood.
The fact remains that the Jews showed up in the 19 teens, told the Arabs, "Fuck off! This is our land!", kicked them out of homes they'd been living in for generations, and somehow convinced the U.S. to recognize them as rightful occupiers.
Um, the US kicked out the Arabs, and then said "Hey, Jews, we made a home for you."

History books are good, read some.