Dark Pickle
Fucked Off

illy is back and mauricio is postin more here
one bad thing and one good thing
*catches ER and smooches right back*Ily *jumps on Ily* *smoochies*
HI DL (DP) I MISSED YOU, TOO!! Soooo... what's this about abandoning your main while I was away, huh?? How will I ever keep up with the abbreviations if you just change your handles like that??HI ILY WE MISSED YOU!
illy is back and mauricio is postin more here
one bad thing and one good thing
Thanks hon!Yeah I agree its good Ily is back.
HI DL (DP) I MISSED YOU, TOO!! Soooo... what's this about abandoning your main while I was away, huh?? How will I ever keep up with the abbreviations if you just change your handles like that??